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HomeLatest NewsThis is the 600 euro aid from Social Security

This is the 600 euro aid from Social Security

In Spain, many families are facing economic difficulties due to inflation and job insecurity. To alleviate this situation, the Social security has set up aid of 600 euros intended for low-income workers. This aid, called Minimum Vital Income (IMV), is intended for those who demonstrate that they have insufficient income. For 2024, the annual income threshold authorized to access this aid is 14,544 euros per cohabitation unitUnemployed or unemployed candidates will receive a maximum of 604.38 euros per month, while those with a salary will receive the difference between their salary and the established income ceiling.

THE large families They have a higher income threshold, set at 21,888 euros per year. In addition, for each additional child after the fourth, the income ceiling increases by 3,546 euros per year. To access the IMV, you must be between 23 and 65 years old, or over 18 with dependent minors, legally reside in Spain for at least one year and comply with the income and asset limits established. In addition, candidates must be registered as job seekers and not have rejected suitable offers of employment or training.

Minimum living income

The Minimum Vital Income (IMV) is a economic benefit of social securityaimed at preventing poverty and social exclusion by guaranteeing a minimum level of income to those who lack basic resources.

Your goal is facilitate social and professional inclusionproviding a protection network that promotes the transition from exclusion to active participation in society. The IMV is designed with employment incentives, promoting cooperation between administrations.

However, the IMV has some incompatibilities. It cannot be received simultaneously with the financial allowance for dependent children or minors, without disabilities or with a disability of less than 33%. Furthermore, the IMV can no longer be combined with social pensions from January 1, 2023.


The IMV is intended for individuals and families who meet certain criteria of economic vulnerability and residency requirements. For individuals, beneficiaries are considered to be persons aged at least 23 who, even if they share accommodation with a coexistence unitdon’t fit in.

This includes persons who are not married, do not have a common-law partner and are not part of another cohabitation unit. In addition, the people between 23 and 29 years old They must have lived independently in Spain for the two years prior to the application, except for exceptions such as gender violence or legal separation. People over 30 must demonstrate that their address has been different from that of their parents, guardians or foster parents during the previous year, unless the cessation of cohabitation is due to their death.

The IMV also covers elderly women victims of gender-based violence or human trafficking, persons between 18 and 22 years of age from child protection centres, homeless persons and certain cases of separation or expulsion. However, it is not granted to those residing in permanent collective establishments, with certain exceptions.

As for the cohabitation unit propertyIMV can be requested by persons aged at least 23 years and with legal capacity. Owners can also be adults or emancipated minors with children or minors in custody for adoption purposes.

The cohabitation unit is made up of all the people who live at the same address and who are united by family or couple ties, or by guardianship with a view to adoption or family placement. de facto couples They must have lived together in a stable manner for at least two years. For those who do not have these links, they can benefit from the IMV if they are at risk of social exclusion, with accreditation from social services.

Likewise, beneficiaries must have had legal and effective residence in Spain for at least one year prior to the application, with some exceptions for minors, victims of gender violence and human trafficking. In addition, they must demonstrate economic vulnerabilitywith income and assets that do not exceed established limits.

The minimum living income is indefinite and is maintained as long as the requirements are met. Social Security regularly checks compliance with these requirements.


In 2024, the Minimum Living Income (IMV) increased by 6.9%, while the aid per child remains unchanged compared to 2023, with a maximum of 115 euros per month. The new amounts of the IMV are: for a single adult, 604.38 euros per month; for an adult and a minor, 785.70 euros; and for an adult and two minors, 967.02 euros.

If there are three minors, the allowance is 1,148.33 euros per month. For two adults, the IMV is 785.70 euros per month; with one minor, it is 967.02 euros; and with two minors, 1,148.33 euros. In single-parent units, an adult and a minor receive 918.67 euros per month, and an adult with four or more minors receives up to 1,462.62 euros per month.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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