This is the BMKG forecast on weather conditions at Lebaran 1446 Hijri in Bandung Raya

Preparing weather modification tasks using CASA 212 aircraft with the meteorology, climatic and geophysics service (BMKG), Bandung-Meteorology, Climatics and Geophysical (BMKG) Bandung Predictions weather conditions dot Eid day 1446 Hijri in the Greater Bandung area. Some Islamic organizations have set the Lebaran 1446 Hijri on Monday (3/31/2025).

BMKG recorded the rain at night before Lebaran 1446 Hijri or Sunday (3/30/2025) occurred at Bogor Regency and Indramayu Regency. While Lebaran 1446 Hijri (3/31/2025) foresees that the rain will appear in the West Bandung Regency area, Bekasi Regency.

In addition, at Cirebon Regency, Karawang Regency and Indramayu Regency. While on the second day of Lebaran 1446 Hijri, rain is projected not to appear in the largest Bandung area. “It is estimated that the rain with mild to moderate intensity still has the potential to occur in sections of West Java,” said Bandung BMKG Teguh Rahayu, Thursday (3/27/2025).

Teguh said, the possibility of moderate to heavy rain accompanied by strong winds can occur on a local scale with local duration. He appealed to the public to have possible disasters such as floods, landslides, fallen trees and other damage. “The community remains calm and cautious,” he said.

According to Teguh Rahayu, the community can recognize the potential of disasters in their respective areas and make efforts to mitigate disaster. Including mutual cooperation to clean the environment. “Recognize the disaster potential in their respective areas and make efforts to minimize the risk of disaster,” he said.

My name is Chirag Soni and I have done my master’s in journalism and mass communication at NYU in New York City, I have also been a columnist for many local newspapers with 9 years of experience.