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This is the ugliest city in the Canary Islands according to Viajar magazine

The city the ugliest in the Canary Islands according to Viajar magazine it can surprise you in every way. One of the most touristic areas of Spain also has a series of places that do not seem to convince the experts, although in reality we can begin to create a series of details that are fundamental and that could end up being the ones that make the difference. We must start thinking about a dream destination that could make us discover an enclave that will really surprise us.

The time will come to think about possible getaways in search of good weather. On the way to some islands where it is summer all year round, bathing in the sea or in the pool is possible thanks to a series of essential details and that perhaps we had not taken into account until now. A destination that must be seen first-hand, the fact that it is the ugliest city in the Canary Islands is perhaps something that we must start to consider. An enclave that perhaps you had not taken into account or that you did not know until now, Travel has discovered the ugliest city in the Canary Islands.

According to Travel magazine

THE Viajar magazine visited all the Canary Islands to discover what is considered the ugliest city in the entire autonomous community. The reality is that you have discovered a city that perhaps you would never have imagined until now, especially in the days that await us.

These experts know this place very well. Therefore, what we need is to start visualizing some details that will mark the experience. Beauty is relative, but through these publications we can learn a little more about this element that can be key.

Ultimately, what is needed is to rediscover a territory that can give us more than one joy. In essence, we are facing an autonomous community in which we can really begin to manage some key data. A series of elements that can end up being what marks a before and an after.

Traveling to the city is always a way to disconnect from the city, wherever you are, it is a natural space that can end up being what makes the difference in every way. Take note of an idea for a travel destination in the Canary Islands that might surprise you.

This is the ugliest city in the Canary Islands

Vecindario is located in Las Palmas and is one of the ugliest cities, according to Viajar magazine, so you have to start discovering a destination that according to AI and this magazine is not one of the most beautiful. For tastes of colors and in this case, you should not miss the opportunity. This municipality is perhaps one of the ones we like the most.

We can make a comparison with what Viajar magazine tells us to determine at any time what will happen in this place in summer or winter, there are no seasons here, so we can enjoy this municipality whenever we want, sooner or later.

Saint Lucia of Tirajana This is a place that you have to know. As stated on the Town Hall website: “Although so imprecisely that the old border disputes continued to occur, Agüimes had to be reduced to the terms of the fief of Mitra (the ravine of Balos to the south); In fact, in 1776, 19 inhabitants of Agüimes found themselves in difficulty to prevent the destruction of livestock in Sardina, Pozo Izquierdo, El Polvo and Majada Ciega, because these localities depended on Tirajana and the intervention of its mayor: “…La Vega de Sardina, Pozo Izquierdo, Polvo and Majada Ciega, which are all under the jurisdiction of Tirajana, because as their respective mayor is so far from them, it is incompatible that he gives them daily support.” Santa Lucia did not yet exist as an independent entity when in October 1808 the Permanent General Council was created, with representation from all the towns of Gran Canaria, among its members a single deputy for the entire district of Tirajana (San Bartolomé). members. Subsequently, the legislative work of the Cortes of Cádiz made possible the creation of the new municipal territory, decreeing the obligation to build town halls in towns with more than 1,000 inhabitants and the possibility of doing so in those with fewer; The municipalities were often established within the same limits as the parish jurisdictions, and on the basis of the councils created in 1768. Romero y Ceballos attests that, already at the end of 1813, and by virtue of the Constitution, the towns of the island had become independent, although Santa Lucia could not be included in them, since its mandate did not have its own personality before that date. For all this, it can be established that the creation of the municipal area must have taken place in 1815, coinciding with that of the other island municipalities (Ingenio, 1815-16). To form it, the territories of San Bartolomé de Tirajana were separated inland, while, on the coast, the lands that, previously administered by Agüimes, did not belong to the Mitra were assigned, since they were located south of the Barranco de Balos (still in the years immediately preceding the municipal division, those of Agüimes claim that not only the lands of Sardina, but even those of Aldea Blanca, belong to their jurisdiction, although there are also inhabitants of Sardina who claim that they belong to the Jurisdiction of Tirajana; in both cases, it seems that the notary limits himself to collecting the declarations of the different neighbors). The exact date of the constitution must not be before the creation of the parish (September 1814), nor after January 1816, while various acts already refer to it. several places of the term as belonging to the Jurisdiction of Santa Lucía. Finally, in 1819, there is already a documentary mention of the existence of a mayor in this City Hall: the resident of Agüimes José de León grants the power to file a complaint with the Royal Mayor of the square of Santa Lucía de Tirajana for having ordered the demolition of some fences.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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