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This is what awaits us at the Pilar Bridge

This is what awaits us at Puente del Pilar, According to expert Jorge Rey, there is no doubt about what we are going to find. A period that will hold more than one surprise in the days that await us. The time will come to start thinking about what is going to happen, a situation that could end up affecting us completely. The cabañuelas are ahead of the others and are taking us away from what we would need in the coming days.

The time will come to visualize the best projects that we have ahead of us and that could end up being exceptional. It is not easy to visualize what we have, the time maps are sometimes wrong, but we must be very aware of those elements that can be with us for a longer time. The very nature of the hand of the cabañuelas does not seem wrong, quite the contrary. It gives us more information about what is going to happen in these next days of October that we have at our doors.

A possible change in sight, according to Jorge Rey

The teenager who once warned us of what was going to happen is now a reality that may well end up capturing our attention this fall. We are beginning these days where we are faced with a changing situation that makes us look to the sky with the will to fear certain elements to come that make us react.

The sky is giving us more rain than usual, especially in some parts of the country that we have to start visualizing as something constant. The reality is that this fall will end up being rainier than the previous ones, good news for mushroom lovers, but be careful, because it can also be colder.

Specifically, for the Pilar Bridge, we are expecting a changing situation that could take us away from what would be usual, with instability that could lead to the first snowfalls of the season. Leaving behind a new reality that could be particularly complicated for everyone.

It looks like October will come with some major news that we may not have considered until now and that could end up being a constant.

This is what awaits us at Puente del Pilar

Jorge Rey’s cabañuelas leave no doubtIt will be time to start thinking about what is going to happen. Therefore, we will have to start visualizing some changes that go hand in hand and that could end up being the ones that accompany us at this time.

Continuing with the explanation he gave on his social networks: “The trend was going to change again, mainly in the north. And as we begin the month of October, around October 5 and 6, a storm will arrive leaving some storms. During the week, I crossed the peninsula to the Mediterranean, thus arriving on the weekend. The weekend of Pilar.

This very popular video on social networks tells us that: “El Pilar falls on a Saturday. As the weekend approaches, the weather will calm down again, although storms could occur in the Levant and will continue into the following week.

As usual, Jorge Rey tells us a saying that we must take into account in the coming days: “There is a saying that speaks of intense and lasting fogs and that after a few days the snow arrives. “Around October 10, some cold air would arrive with the first chances of snow at mid-height.”

So it would be better if we took advantage of these days of stability, because we have a few days ahead of us that could end up being those that accompany us in an October of important news. In which the sun will give way to abundant rains that could become those that mark a before and after.

The time will come start planning that vacationEven though this year we will not have a long bridge, we will be able to enjoy an autumn that will be particularly pleasant for lovers of this instability and constant rains. Something that should be common, but has not been able to become reality in recent times.

These are days when Jorge Rey gives us a forecast that leaves a series of important data. In a change of cycle that can be decisive for many, the plans for this month of October will undoubtedly change in which everything will be possible. For now, we only have the clairvoyance of that teenager who once predicted the arrival of Filomena.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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