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This is what SAVA users are like

THE Junta of Andalusia indicated this Saturday, in a press release, to have participated in 2023 through its Andalusia Victim Support Service (SAVA) to 1,475 people and institutions in Cordoba, mostly women, between 30 and 44 years old, single and living outside the capital. More than 48% of the users, or 710, were women victims of gender-based violence.

THE SAVA, managed for the Ministry of JusticeLocal Administration and Public Service, are located in the main judicial seats of the Andalusian capitals, although since the last legislature they have traveling teams draw attention to the victims of rural environment“In fact, last year there were more people assisted who resided in a municipality of the province than those who came from the capital, Córdoba,” stressed the territorial delegate of Justice, Local Administration and Public Service, Raquel López.

THE SAVA they have lawyers, psychologists and social workersall trained in gender-based violence. Its scope extends to all victims of a crime committed in Spain or who may be prosecuted in Spain, regardless of their nationality, whether they are adults or minors or whether or not they have legal residence.

More than 88% of users frequented in Cordoba are women (1,303). In 2023, 135 minors benefited from SAVA assistance, in this case also mostly girls who were victims of crimes committed by other minors or acquaintances.

The same person receives comprehensive care, so the number of The actions carried out last year amounted to 13,617including 2,940 actions in the judicial field, 1,787 of a social nature, 2,184 psychological and 6,706 general.

Coordination with the Women’s Institute

Although SAVA is aimed at victims of all types of crime, almost half of the users who have used these services have gone or have been referred by crimes related to gender violence and 85.75% reported it.

Lopez recalled that “for a year now there has been a protocol between SAVA and the Andalusian Institute of Women (IAM) to strengthen coordination and information exchange between the Justice services and the IAM. The aim is to avoid the double victimization of women who suffer gender-based violence when they have to repeat the events several times and in front of different people.

He The protocol creates a reference figure for the victimwhat makes link between he participating staff in your processwhether or not the complaint is pursued, so that advice and orientation on the judicial system and the network of specialized assistance resources are provided. Depending on the urgency and the risk for the victims, an Individualized Assistance Plan is designed from a multidisciplinary and multisectoral perspective.

THE Most common crimes of victims present at the SAVA are those of injuries (30%), against the moral integrity (24.2%) and against freedom (25.2%). More than 58% were victims of continuous crimes.

If, in the case of women, the main perpetrator of violence is the partner or ex-partner, in the case minors attracts attention that in 23% of cases followed up this year the the person who committed a crime against them was another minor and in 23% of cases, an acquaintance.

SAVA also participated 54 disabled women42% over 45 years old and 27.78% between 18 and 29 years old. In 25% of cases, the aggressor was his son.

Although the majority of those treated are Andalusian, in 2023 they passed through the SAVA teams in Cordoba. 98 immigrantsmainly from Colombia (22.45%).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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