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This is what you need to do if you have an appointment at ITV on strike days

The strike in the Andalusian ITV has begun. Since this Thursday, the days of protest have given the starting signal for what will be eight days of protests (September 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28 and 30) which will extend to all the provinces of Andalusia.

In addition to fighting for their rights as workers and denouncing the situation in which they find themselves your agreementThe reason for the strike was also taken into account by the UGT and CCOO How to proceed to minimize discomfort users, who could be affected throughout these days.

What will happen to the appointments affected by the strike?

For everyone’s peace of mind, from VEIASA direct communication is maintained with users, send an appointment cancellation SMS who might be affected and inform them of the situation. At the same time, they are move said appointments cancelled to reschedule them as soon as possible.

Regarding the services that will be provided during these strike days, the General Directorate of Labor, Safety and Health at Work of the Ministry of Employment, Enterprise and Self-Employment has established minimum services equivalent to approximately 15% of the total workforce inspectors and 45% of staff.

Who will be able to get on ITV these days?

From the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Junta de Andalucía, it was created an order of priority for the ITV review during these strike days:

They will have priority vehicles that provide ambulance or other health services; vehicles of any fire service; vehicles assigned to security forces and organizations, and vehicles authorized for the public transport of people.

They will be followed by vehicles which will have to undergo a technical inspection. to verify the correction of defects detected during a previous inspection.

And finally, the vehicles will leave whose periodic CT has expired or expires on the days of the strike and that they had already made an appointment.

Will there be problems with the authorities?

In the event that a user with an appointment arrives at the station and is unable to carry out the check, pYou can request a cancellation certificate, which will be used to justify the situation to the authorities if necessary.

In addition, the planned bonuses will not be affected by this incident, since the date of the cancelled appointment will be maintained for reference purposes.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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