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This is what you need to earn now to have a pension of 2,000 euros per month

A retirement pension of 2,000 euros It seems impossible to achieve, but there are retirees who have them. To achieve it, there is no secret, you have to work. Having a high salary does not fall from the sky, it responds to a remuneration based on the knowledge of the person, their studies and the time they dedicate to work. We cannot escape this work that we will have to do for years and years, but we will be able to do it in perfect conditions knowing what we will earn.

Before we get too excited, Social Security has the final say, we will receive 2,000 euros per month, if we meet the current requirements in case we have to retire now. But be careful, over time, new laws or new elements may appear that will make this retirement end up becoming something very different. Basically, we are facing changes that are essential and that could end up making a significant difference in these senses. If you are thinking about retiring and want to earn a lot of money, you want to know what you need to do to achieve it.

It is possible to have a pension of more than 1,000 euros

In Spain, pensions are among the lowest in Europewages are too, which means that even if a whole welfare state system is maintained at the end of life, when the money is most needed, it is not available. You reach 65 or 67 or older, with physical characteristics that must be taken into account.

Happy will be those who can retire, because today, with the diseases present, it can be a problem of force majeure. Nobody guarantees that we will be here in 10 years or 10 days, so thinking about retirement can even be a waste of time.

If we are healthy and close to this milestone, we can count the remaining days, but also do it with the calculator in mind. We will achieve an important change thanks to some fundamental elements that we may not have expected until now.

This dream pension of 2,000 euros per month exists, but it is obviously not the result of anyone other than the person who holds a position that will allow him to earn this money.

Now you will collect this money to have a high pension

For at least 15 years beforeThis is the final stretch to reach an adequate pension, we must collect the maximum possible. These are the years that will make us think about earning money that could make a significant difference in every way.

An option that we must take into account and that will help us to have a much higher amount of money. Ultimately, what we want is to enjoy an independence that the passage of time can take away from us. We are going to face this last stage that can be key.

We need to have a good amount of money that can ultimately make a significant difference. Without a doubt, a good pension is essential to achieve what we want at the end of the month. Money that we will have obtained by gradually accumulating a high price.

Continuing with this rule, the last years are decisive, but also those that make the real calculation of the situation that awaits us. There are changes coming that we must begin to put into practice and that could become fundamental at that time.

  • With 15 years of contributions, the statutory base must be 4,000 euros to obtain a pension of 2,000 euros (50% of the statutory base).
  • With 20 years of contributions, a statutory base of 3,208.92 euros would be required to reach a pension of 2,000 euros (62.38% of the statutory base).
  • With 25 years of contributions, the required regulatory base would be 2,708.20 euros to receive a pension of 2,000 euros (73.78% of the regulatory base).
  • Finally, with 36 years and 6 months or more of contributions, you will receive 100% of the regulatory base, i.e. a pension of 2,000 euros if that is the calculated base.

If we have been earning this money for many years or if we have increased our salary in recent years, we will get what we want. The normal thing is not to earn more over the years, quite the opposite. The person is more vulnerable to diseases and everything that can happen to him.

So, ultimately, we have to start thinking about this detail that may be essential and that we may not have considered until now. This money collected at the end of the month is essential to be able to organize the end of working life and the retirement we need.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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