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HomeLatest NewsThis isn't squatting, idiot.

This isn’t squatting, idiot.

The problem is not squatting, it’s access to housing. Squatting is the symptom. Those who make it difficult to access Congressional housing warn against squatting to perpetuate the vicious cycle in which they make money and vote.

The ultranationalists PP, Vox and Junts have vetoed the proposal of the Tenants’ Union presented by the left in Congress to limit temporary rentals that make them remove one kidney, ask for the other as a guarantee, charge you the costs of the real estate agency violates the housing law and throws you out on the street after 11 months. They fill their mouths with Spain and Catalonia, while they fill the pockets of the vultures and rentiers and empty those of the Spaniards and Catalans. It is not for nothing that some of them are multi-owners, as evidenced by their declaration of assets. They represent capital and speculators, they represent their own class, not the working class, even if part of it votes for them.

You vote for them because they have even been deprived of their class consciousness. They vote for them because their heads are bombarded day and night by the supposed avalanche of immigrants who come to take their jobs and squat their homes. They vote for them because from Ana Rosa to Susanna Griso, from the TV news to the rallies, from the radio ads to the TV ads, they sell us fear so that we buy security: so that you rent an alarm, have a retirement pension. , Take out private health insurance and vote for political parties. Those of order and command. Those who say “freedom” but reduce freedoms. Freedom only for capital. Freedom to speculate. Freedom for the market. Freedom for them.

They sell fear, you buy ideology. Spain is the OECD country with the greatest social inequalities between public schools and charter schools. The concerted school only welcomes 7.5% of modest families. 75% of the concerted members are religious. We pay with the money of the majority for the classism of the minority. With our money, we sow the seeds of hatred, of reactionary misogynistic, homophobic and xenophobic thinking in the younger generations, those who will govern us tomorrow. We are then surprised that the extreme right has penetrated there. In the name of freedom, we cultivate the antidote to freedom. The privileged class has made the working class pay out of its own pocket for its own enslavement. Not only are they winning the class struggle, but we are paying for their victory.

They sell us the fear of the other, the fear of the poor, the fear of those who are even poorer than us, so that we are not afraid of them, so that we do not react. Because then they would be the ones who would be afraid of us. That is why they tell us that immigration and squatting are the problem, instead of telling us that exploitation and housing are. That is why Ana Rosa, one of the great multi-owners of real estate programs and television programs, only talks about squat As Jorge Javier told him: “I ask you not to talk about it for a day because my mother does not want to leave the house for fear of being squatted.”

What Ana Rosa doesn’t tell him is that the risk that you squatter is less than 0.06%. Remember this fact: less than 0.06%. Last year, there were 16,800 squats in 21 million homes, according to police reports. The same one that tells you to set an alarm on his website. The problem is not squatting, the problem is access to housing. Squatting is the symptom. Families squat because they can’t afford a roof over their heads. It’s a master plan. The people who are pushing you to squat because they’re making it difficult to get housing in Congress are warning against squatting to perpetuate the vicious cycle in which they make money and vote.

And the party that calls itself socialist and workers, also the party of the rentiers, collaborates. Sánchez has authorized Blackrock, the largest landowner in Spain, to buy 20% of Naturgy. Because of the vulture funds, not only are rents skyrocketing, but energy and mortgages are also skyrocketing. Because of them, because of their great wrong, energy poverty and housing poverty. Because of him, the bleeding of rent and bills. Because of him, because of his great fault, you will not be able to buy a house in your life. “The most progressive government in history” makes us believe that its priority is to end the housing problem, but it is selling the country to those who are the cause of it.

If you have prevented the purchases of other companies, why not this one. Because for the PSOE, they have already said it, housing is a market good. Because the minister of the sector has already said it, the rentiers must be protected before the tenants. Let’s stop looking at the finger pointing at the meteorite. Let’s stop lowering our eyes even if our neck is crushed: those who walk on our heads and necks are always above us. If we have to go out on the street, let’s go out against those who protect the vultures that eat our liver. It’s not the squat, idiot, it’s the market. They are the traders and we are the goods.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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