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HomeLatest NewsThis sleeping habit will change your life

This sleeping habit will change your life

Getting enough sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. benefits of adequate sleep They go beyond simple rest, as they positively affect various aspects of the body. First, sleep improves creativity and cognitive performance by allowing the brain to consolidate memories and strengthen neural connections during REM sleep. In addition, good rest facilitates the regulation of hormones such as leptin and ghrelinwhich can prevent overweight problems by keeping appetite under control. On the other hand, getting enough sleep strengthens the immune system, thus protecting the body against infections and diseases.

As for the cardiovascular healthQuality sleep reduces the risk of heart disease by maintaining stable blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is also associated with reduced body inflammation, which is crucial for prevent cell damage and chronic diseases. Emotionally, getting enough sleep combats stress and depression by balancing feel-good hormones like melatonin and serotonin. It also improves the ability to recognize and express emotionscontributing to better mental health. In summary, sleep hygiene is essential not only to maintain a healthy weight and robust immune function, but also to ensure emotional balance and greater performance capacity both physically and mentally.

The best habit for sleeping well

A recent study conducted by Monash University in Australia, University of Manchester and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston has shown that the regularity of sleep is more crucial than the exact number of hours of sleep.

The research team, led by neurophysiologist Manuel de Entrambasaguasconcluded that maintaining a consistent bedtime and wake-up routine can reduce the risk of premature death by 20 to 40%. The finding is based on analysis of sleep records from more than half a million people aged 40 to 69 in the UK.

The study highlights that the regularity of the sleep schedules contributes significantly to physical and mental health. Sleeping irregularly or suffering from insomnia not only causes fatigue and discomfort, but also increases the risk of serious diseases such as cancer and cardiometabolic problems.

Establishing a consistent sleep routine helps, according to Entrambasaguas. synchronize the biological clock with circadian rhythms, facilitating more natural and restorative sleep.

The expert emphasizes that in order to optimize the sleep qualityIt is essential to follow a consistent schedule even on weekends. While it may be tempting to sleep later on weekends, this variability can disrupt the circadian rhythms and interfere with rest.

The brain doesn’t differentiate between weekdays and weekends, so maintaining a consistent routine is key to a optimal health. Respecting our circadian rhythms, regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain, is essential to maintaining healthy sleep and, therefore, a healthier life.

The keys to sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to a set of practices and habits that improve quality of rest and prevent imbalances in sleep schedules. Beyond simply getting a certain number of hours of sleep, the key is to maintain a regular routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. This approach allows the body to adapt to a consistent rhythm, reducing the risk of serious sleep disorders and associated health problems.

To improve the quality of sleep, it is important to follow a series of recommendations. Establish a regular schedule and maintaining it even on weekends is crucial. On the other hand, avoiding alcohol and tobacco before going to bed, as well as exercising regularly (but not just before going to sleep), also contributes to better rest. In addition, the bed should be reserved exclusively for sleeping, avoiding other activities such as reading or watching television.

Isolating yourself from excessive noise and lights is essential, but without becoming obsessed. It is also beneficial to avoid heavy dinners or foods that may interfere with sleep, maintain an adequate temperature in the room and use comfortable bedding. In addition, encourage relaxation With calm activities and breathing techniques, you can prepare the body for rest.

Sleep hygiene is particularly important in cases of insomniasleep apnea, narcolepsy, and other related disorders. Although sleep quality can be affected by psychological and physical factors, practicing good sleep hygiene can be essential to alleviate and prevent these problems.

Persistence in these habits can significantly improve the quality of rest and general physical and mental health, thereby reducing the risk of suffering from cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in the long term.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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