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“This will increase tension in the neighborhood”

The tension in the Chantrea districtPamplona, ​​increased after residents expressed their dissatisfaction with statements issued by the Pamplona City Hallled by Mayor Joseba Asirón, on a redevelopment project that will affect this area of ​​Pamplona.

Through the neighborhood platform “Neighbors of 1960”residents of several streets in the neighborhood accuse the mayor of falsify consensus around measures of redevelopment on the roads concerned, which they categorically deny.

The controversy revolves around the recent redevelopment project streets Artajona, Cáseda, Cintruénigo, Etxalar, Etxarri Aranatz and the Crossing Espronceda.

According to the neighborhood platform, the Pamplona City Hall publicly stated that an agreement had been reached with neighbors to carry out the said project, a statement that residents completely reject and call false.

Lack of consensus on the redevelopment of Chantrea

In the press release published by the neighbors of Chantreait is specified that at no time did they consensual or approved the measures proposed by the consistory, in particular the tree placement in parking areas. This proposal, they say, is not only harmful to residentsbut will also have a negative impact throughout the neighborhood.

According to the platform, the installation of these trees and the new urban design will lead to the removal of 50% of parking spaces current. This will not only seriously affect the people living on the affected streets, but also will move vehicles to other areas of the neighborhood, aggravating the problem of lack of parking throughout the neighborhood.

Complaints about lack of information from Pamplona City Hall

One of the main points of controversy is that, according to neighbors, this loss of parking spaces has been omitted deliberately in the official communication of the municipal council. Residents consider that the municipality tried disguise the real impact that the redevelopment will have on daily life neighbors.

Although they recognize that tree planting could be a measure aesthetically appealing and positive from an environmental point of view, the neighbors insist that the real needs residents, who will depend on these parking spaces for their daily lives. They denounce that the municipal council chose prioritize the image instead of taking care of practical concerns of the neighborhood.

A “poisoned gift” from Assyron

Another aspect of the project that has sparked controversy is the city council’s proposal to create a green parking lotin which only residents of the areas concerned will be able to park. Even if this measure seems intended to resolve the problem of lack of places, residents describe it as a measure “poisoned gift”. The reason for this rejection is that although it would grant them some exclusivity for parking, it does not solve the loss of half of the available spaces, which would worsen the parking problem throughout the neighborhood.

Residents criticize that this proposal is simply a way to avoid the responsibility of the municipal council, leaving in the hands of the neighbors the task of managing the conflicts which they believe will lead to redevelopment.

Growing unease in Chantrea

This discomfort adds to a growing problem feeling of discontent in the neighborhood, which has already been the scene of complaints for the lack of security and other controversial planning measures which, according to neighbors, have not been suitably agreed with the community. From the neighborhood platform “Neighbors of 1960”insist that the Pamplona City Hall, headed by Joseba Asironadopted a authoritarian attitude by making decisions without taking into account the true needs and concerns of neighborhood residents.

The community demands transparency and a sincere communication by local authorities, and warns that unilateral decisions by the municipal council will only increase the tension in a neighborhood already fracture due to the lack of dialogue between the parties.

The project of redevelopment in the Chantree revealed a breakup in the relationship between Pamplona City Hall and their neighbors, who feel ignored and consider that their concerns have been minimized. The accusations of lie by residents towards Mayor Joseba Asirón reflect a climate of distrust and discontent, which could lead to an increase troubles in the neighborhood if the issues raised are not adequately resolved.

For the moment, the residents of Chantrea are demanding that they be listen and that the project is re-evaluated taking into account the real impact that you will have in your daily life, both in terms of mobility from coexistence in the neighborhood.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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