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This year we stayed in class!

Kubra Maharramova writes…

I wanted to write a couple of sentences without overshadowing the greatness of this day.

In fact, there is nothing better than seeing the kids off to school. It’s true, it’s the same, it happens every year, but still.

Because in many parts of the world there are children who cannot go to school. It is good that our children can go to school. Just 30 years ago, Azerbaijani children went to school under shelling in Shusha, Aghdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, and then neither the school nor their families remained. They were all displaced and came to Baku.

Today, children who were not allowed to go to school back then, who had their childhood, school, family and home taken away from them, go to school.

When I saw the children going to Shusha school in the morning, their parents suddenly came to life before my eyes. Inevitably, the sad eyes of those who had their childhood stolen appeared before my eyes. In the 1990s, there were displaced children who came to our school. Where did these children come from and how did they come to be placed in Baku schools?

They were confused and so were we. In the middle, there was a very shameful and embarrassing word: “The refugees left their land and fled!” Some stupid and distrustful word, “big”, fell into the children’s language. The “bullying” that we now call it was experienced in a very violent way at that time.

But looking at these displaced children, the school situation of displaced Azerbaijani children from West Azerbaijan was very bad. Because children are cruel and intolerant towards those who are not willing to be children. When adults do not pay attention to this, a life-or-death war almost begins.

Why did the situation of the children of West Azerbaijan get worse? Because they were also harassed in another way. Again the little ones uttered the word of some “adult”, and again the children vomited the hatred of the “adult” that was festering in some envy.

It makes my hair stand on end when I think of the little ones who suffered oppression in the 90s.

First of all, why did the parents and teachers, who had received a rich Soviet education, not stop this bullying? Why did they not hit the child in the mouth when they heard these words in the yard?

Maybe it was a projection of adults, children? It is good that displaced refugee children who were bullied at that time found strength in themselves and managed to survive and grow. None of them committed suicide. Who knows how many of those who were bullied and pressured in those years went to the army, what kind of work they did in the liberation of occupied lands, became open or hidden heroes in operations…

This is done by themselves and by God.

In any case, today is beautiful. Children go to school everywhere in Azerbaijan. And no one is a refugee anymore.

But in the face of such lofty feelings, we still fall face down into the mud, with a whisper. It is stable every year.

What’s the problem?

The thing is that this year, like every year, the adults who sent the children to school managed to create a “surprise” and surprise those around them.

They again took to the streets in droves, as if they were not sending the child to school, but out of the country.

Drones in the sky, cameramen on the ground, photographers in school classrooms. Still, the parents who took part in the contest to see which bouquet of flowers would be the most “lively” had a bad time with each other.

Once again, the voices of the assistant principals in the schoolyard were drowned out by shouts: “Dear parents, you go back, the children go forward.” Once again, the children stayed behind and the parents were ahead.

The first graders were crying from exhaustion, the mothers were saying “come here and stop like that” and were constantly taking pictures for Instagram.

Still, the parents managed to drive their car almost right up to the front of the sign. As if this was the greatest success they had ever had in their lives.

Still, some rented an expensive car for a day to appear “richer.” Again, they boasted falsely.

The city crashed again.

In fact, I try to understand everyone. Yes, for each one, his child is loved, beautiful, a divine gift, etc. but…

Wouldn’t it be possible for the whole generation to come home at night, congratulate the little one, and give him the gift?

Is it not possible for family members to send the child to school with one of their parents and do their own work?

Is it possible for road users, who cannot move around the city due to congestion, to arrive at school in separate cars?

I think it’s not about taking the child to school, but about showing something. Let them see that we all came, let them see in our social media statuses that we are friendly.

Let the prince’s wife, the aunt’s daughter-in-law, the aunt’s godfather see that we send the child to this or that school, let the neighbors see, when we leave home, that the entire generation came to see the child off to school.

There is an anecdote, I remembered it again. Five or six cars arrive at the school. Grandma, grandpa, aunt, aunt, their spouses, uncle, uncle, girlfriend, elti, photographer, videographer, balloons, flowers, in short, everyone gets out of the car. They also see that the child who will enter first grade was forgotten and left at home.

This is the reality today, we have forgotten about education with children.

We arrived at school dressed up. Once again, every year the same speeches, the same convocations, the same concerts continue.

Once again, some parents are starting to “collect money” and “buy bouquets and gifts” to make themselves look pretty in front of the teacher. Once again, the Ministry of Science and Education says that there is no “fund money” and it is not collected. Once again, the hoarder hoards.

Still, the mill keeps on running, which is sometimes a headache. However, every year we remain in the classrooms as a society.

Even before the year starts, everyone starts going to the tutor. Again, the old bathroom, the old sink…

Keep children safe and healthy.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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