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Three cities near Madrid that are really beautiful in autumn and perfect for a weekend

Autumn is coming and with it the range of reddish, orange, copper, ochre, yellow and burgundy tones that tint the leaves of the trees. The temperatures become cooler and invite you to enter the forest and thus contemplate this wonderful spectacle of nature that represents the change of seasons.

We recommend you travel to these three cities near Madrid to admire this transformation of the colors of nature in all its splendor, while enjoying the more peaceful life of the city for a weekend and, thus, recover energy to face the next one more calmly.

Stone Monastery of Nuévalos (Zaragoza)

Two and a half hours from Madrid and passing through the town of Nuévalos – a few kilometers from Calatayud, in the province of Zaragoza -, the Piedra River creates a spectacular natural landscape around the Piedra Monastery, founded by Cistercian monks in the 12th century. In this natural park of the same name we find incredible caves, waterfalls and cascades that surprise in the middle of an arid landscape.

The monks found this landscape, which becomes more spectacular in the autumn months, and it must have seemed the ideal place to found their monastery, some of whose rooms can be visited, such as the cloister, the chapter house, the church and its crypt, the kitchen where the first chocolate in Europe was prepared, the refectory or the toilets.

In the old monastery cellar you can also enjoy the Wine Museum of the Calatayud Designation of Origin, which houses three rooms: “Wine as science”, “Wine and culture” and “Wine and quality”, in addition to the agricultural and wine-growing area. pressing room.

The monks of the Monastery of Peter, like almost all those of the Middle Ages, promoted the cultivation of the vine and the production of wine, which they consumed regularly, not only for liturgical needs, but also because they considered it good for health. Your entrance is included in the visit to the monument.

The most famous waterfall in this haven of peace is known as Cola de Caballo, inside which a large cave with stalactite formations is hidden. The contrast with these moving waters is found in the calm waters that rest in Lake Mirror. Entrance to this natural park, open every day, costs 18 euros, while parking is free.

The chestnut tree of El Tiemblo (Ávila)

The temperatures are not yet very low and the trails are well marked – especially the short four-kilometre route, which is the most frequented – so during the autumn months a visit to the chestnut grove in the town of Ávila becomes essential. of El Tremblo.

An hour and a half drive from Madrid, this Castilian-Leonese city has a unique monument at the foot of the Guisando hill: four figures of bulls or wild boars in Berroqueña stone in a perfect straight line dating from the 3rd to the 2nd century BC. It was in this same place that Isabella of Castile signed in September 1468 the so-called “Treaty of the Bulls of Guisando”, by which she was proclaimed heir to the throne and would become Queen of Castile.

In addition to this sculptural group, which constitutes one of the best examples of artistic manifestations of pre-Roman Spain, El Tiemblo is famous for the Castañar forest. It is located in a nature reserve, called Iruelas Valley, and it is an ancient forest of wild chestnut trees.

The Castañar forest is one of the oldest on the peninsula and is located in the Gredos mountain range. It has exceptional specimens that exceed eight meters in diameter and even have their own name. Another known specimen is El Abuelo, 500 to 800 years old and which served as a refuge for shepherds and charcoal burners. It is now nothing more than a trunk gnawed by the passage of centuries, with very few active branches.

This part of the Sierra de Gredos also has impressive fauna, such as the largest colony of black vultures in Castile and León, with more than 120 pairs recorded. Among the flora we find hawthorns, hazels, mountain elms and wild cherry trees intertwined with willows, hollies and heather.

To preserve the natural environment, access is regulated in autumn and subject to a fee. six euros per car, plus two euros per person. The capacity is limited to a maximum of 400 people.

Valdecabras, next to the enchanted city of Cuenca

The Júcar River, passing between Uña and Villalba de la Sierra, forms a gigantic and impressive canyon where the Enchanted City of Cuenca is located, declared a Natural Site of National Interest in 1929. In this natural environment, we see how, on many occasions, there is no better artist than nature with these curious rock formations, formed by karst erosion on limestone. The path that crosses them is circular and three kilometers long.

The Enchanted City is located near the town of Valdecabras, in the heart of the Alto Tajo Natural Park and has 85 inhabitants, most of whom are dedicated to caring for livestock, especially sheep.

The origin of these rock formations dates back 90 million years ago, when the Enchanted City was part of the seabed of Thetis. These were calm waters, which led to salt deposits. At the end of the Cretaceous, the sea retreated and the seabed, composed of limestone, rose to the surface. The vegetation is spectacular and is composed of Welsh oaks, junipers, junipers, box trees and blackberries.

Entrance to the natural park costs six euros for adults and five for children. It rises to ten euros if you choose a guided tour.

57 kilometers away is the most spectacular waterfall in the province of Cuenca. The Cuervo River, a few meters from its source, forms a magnificent tuff barrier full of moss and exuberant vegetation. It is a perfect place to put on your boots. hiking and follow the trails that start from this point.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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