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Three families with children and a single woman sleep on the street in Pamplona: they demand a solution

Three families with minors and a single woman sleeps on the street in Pamplona. One of families with minors and the woman They slept in the street Tuesday night in Navarre. And they had almost no warm clothes. The other two families with minors slept in a crib. THE Mutual aid association report this situation.

“Pamplona City Hall declared during a press conference that places for homeless families were exhausted,” recall the members of this association. “What results unacceptable does he Government of Navarra don’t take responsibilitywhich must guarantee the accommodation and maintenance of people in situations of extreme necessity (and a fortiori if they are minors), according to the social services portfolio approved by the Government itself, without prejudice to the collaboration of the Town Hall with its own resources”, they comment with irritation.

And they remember that four years ago, they asked the provincial government to set up a resource to welcome families with minors. “two years ago We reiterate this request, with other social entities, also asking that resources be made available to house single homeless people”, they insist. “Over the last four years, “The government has not allowed a single stable residential resource, nor a single soup kitchen.”

In this sense, since Mutual support They emphasize that “Living on the streets is one of the most difficult experiences and the traumatic events that a minor may face, to which a single woman may be exposed.

AND they report to the government of Navarre and the Pamplona City Hall: “At the political level, this represents a resounding institutional failure, because it is public institutions and services that must deploy models of care that are truly useful to those who need it most, to those who have nowhere to go. take refuge, and accompanied by their daughters and sons. “They are the most vulnerable sector of society and they are far from social services.”

Finally, they send an urgent request: “What is incomprehensible to us is that the City Council does not demand that the Government, which has many more resources, assumes its responsibility. It is very urgent that the Government of Navarre has a resource of accommodation for families with minors”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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