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HomeLatest NewsThree Ideas to Debunk the “Woke” Lie

Three Ideas to Debunk the “Woke” Lie

The main task that liberal democracies must face, in order not to disappear consumed in your indulgent bubbleIt is to boldly combat the lies and propaganda of this modern neocommunism called thought or ideology. woke up an academic construct born in the United States that replaces reason with desire and historical, legal and biological continuity with modern whims born of privilege and boredom. cause Because that’s what the left and its extremist and rich tendencies defend, that’s it, causes fragmentary which They only benefit those who promote them.harming the rest of the population, who suffer and pay the price for the needs that the new subjects of the awakened sphere impose: from educational and mental control of students, who are deliberately confused about their gender or condition to determine and/or falsify their future decisions, to victimization as a (profitable) way of life and to apocalypse as a communicative artifact that elevates every social, economic and political event to a catastrophe.

This is where the black legend and the defense of indigenism come in from those who advocate asking forgiveness for something that did not exist from those who benefited from the conquest, while They silence the real motivated social genocidethat of the English, and to a lesser extent, the French, in their respective colonies.

Lies about people are also part of this machinery of constant deception. climate changehis excesses and affectations, with a capricious daughter raised to the rank of Teresa of Calcutta and progress filling his pockets while they plant the fields with solar panels and windmills, real and rhetorical. In any case, there is a deliberate strategy to replace Christian and Greco-Roman civilization with a more fanatical and theistic civilization, and liberal democracy with a new religion of messianic deception where man is not replaced by anything. In the configuration of this sect woke up Heir to Gramsci’s thinking on cultural and academic monopoly and to Laclau’s theories on the diffusion of discourse on different fronts, the left has changed the situation. class struggle (principles) for the piggy bank of causes (end), where they no longer fight to obtain rights, but to obtain and maintain privileges.

So that we understand each other, a subject woke up It is the one who places the relative before certainty and prioritizes subjective feelings over reality biological and legal. For a type, tipa or tipex woke up A tree is only a tree according to who perceives it. We should ask the tree if it feels this way or if on the contrary it wants to live like a bush, in its natural deconstruction wild. He wokeism It imposes the sensible on truth and perception on reality. We are no longer what we are, but rather as we perceive ourselves, and therefore this is how others must treat us, otherwise we are allowed to suffer from the syndrome of the persecuted or the oppressed, a magic solution for the arrival of vital resources. subsidy or aid. The more the number of causes and victims, more associations are being created perpetuate the problem at the expense of the public budget. In essence, there is no greater enemy of health and education than the world. woke up.

Faced with these bleak prospects, the West faces its greatest challenge since the post-World War II era. Without wishing to be exhaustive, I propose three ideas for combating this illiterate false thinking and dismantling its spokesmen and propagandists.

  1. Put them in front of their own mirror of contradictions and lies. Every time someone in the universe woke up demand that you be treated as a woman being a man, as a giraffe being a person, as a Catalan being also Spanish or as a victim of the non-existent patriarchy, let’s use their same weapons to feel victims of their dogmatic impositionof his moral fascism for which he has no right to reprimand us, advise us or legislate for us. We will ask the State for arnica and a subsidy to the corresponding association and we will go in front of their televisions to cry for the cause repressed.
  2. To demolish, ruin, destroy all its unnatural, illogical and false commandments, tending to impose feeling on reason and deception on truth. How? With the data that history provides us (the most accurate analog newspaper archives). To tell their past, the one they want to erase, before the new generations are inoculated with the ignorant poison that is imposed on them so that they learn the history that did not happen. By all means, with all tools and by all means available. There is no better way to fight against lies than by staging where they come from and why.
  3. Name the media, journalists and propagandists who continue to enrich themselves this new global dictatorship of ignorance and the submission it has in the 2030 agenda and its continuation proposed by the globalist UN until 2045, its main white mark: to spoiled girls like Greta Thunberg, to the methodical actors who live off the State, Bardem, Intxaurrondo and Évoles of life, who live like millionaires preaching socialism, to the leftists of the academy and the university, of politics and the press, hypocrites who defend with words what their actions reject while they profit from their business of cause urbi and orbetc. It is about exposing their true way of life, confronting them every day with their cynicism, making them aware of the harsh reality of the deception that sustains and supports them at the expense of the suffering of others. And spread it, repeat it and remember it. Propaganda was, is and will be the weapon they will continue to use to destroy everything that brought freedompeace, progress and prosperity, exactly what the left hates woke up. It’s time for them to start suffering.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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