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HomeBreaking NewsThree juvenile crimes in two days, one dead - What to do?

Three juvenile crimes in two days, one dead – What to do?

In the last two days, schoolchildren have committed three bloody crimes.

In incidents in Baku, Khachmaz and Shamkir, teenagers injured their peers with knives and cutting tools. One of the incidents resulted in death.

But I wonder what causes this aggression among adolescents, especially cases of violence with cutting tools?

On the topic Oku.AzAnswering questions from the president of the Scientific Research Institute of Psychology, psychologist Elnur Rustamov He said that several psychological and social reasons lead to the increase in aggression in adolescents:

“The academic year has just begun. We witness that some students have difficulties in the process of adaptation to school. In particular, schoolchildren with behavioral disorders and difficult upbringing create problems for school, family and society in this stage. Aggression and violence Hits with sharp tools are common in this category of adolescents. The increase in cases is due to several psychological and social reasons.

From a psychological point of view, it is possible to approach this question from several aspects. This includes the weakness of emotional regulation, the patterns of violence found in the family and environment, the tendency of some adolescents to enter the criminal world and its effects, peer pressure, the need for self-affirmation, etc. we can include points. Therefore, teenagers sometimes cannot adequately express their emotions, especially strong feelings such as anger and frustration. Some may tend to express aggression more quickly and decisively. The social and emotional pressure they experience sometimes pushes them to adopt this type of behavior.

Furthermore, if they see violence in the family or in their immediate environment as a normal solution, they tend to repeat such behaviors themselves. The fact that violence is a common situation in the family or in their environment causes aggressive behavior in children. At the same time, criminal behavior is idealized by the influence of social networks, the media and some groups. This leads to increased interest among young people in the criminal world and their acceptance of violent behavior as a means of becoming “powerful” or gaining “respect.”

The psychologist pointed out that adolescents often allow themselves to be influenced by their friends:

“At this age, friendships or the sense of belonging to peer groups are very strong. If bullying within a group is accepted as normal behavior, an individual may repeat such behaviors to feel part of that group. Adolescence is also a time of self-affirmation, self-discovery, “It is a period of identity formation. “Sometimes young people tend to behave aggressively to overcome their internal worries or to appear strong.”

According to him, to prevent these problems it is necessary for families, schools and society to work together:

“If families notice any deviations in their children’s behavior and communication, they should take timely measures. In addition, special training programs should be carried out in schools so that adolescents can correctly express their emotions and use healthier methods in stressful situations. There must be cooperation between parents and schools so that children are under the same care and supervision both in the family and at school. Families must establish a closer relationship with their children. It is important to give positive examples to adolescents. be violent and show empathy and respect for each other. At the same time, involving teenagers in sports, art or other social projects to spend their free time can help them stay away from aggressive behavior. As a society, we need to give more support to teenagers, listen to them and help them solve their problems.

Member of the Science and Education Committee of the Milli Majlis, MP Jeyhun Mammadov Considers that the main reason for the negative events that occur is the lack of a correct and high level of education in schools and families:

“We see unpleasant trends. The rapid increase in these cases is a worrying issue. The main root of this is the inadequate organization of education in families and schools. The school and the family cannot play their role in the process. Therefore Therefore, children are influenced by social networks and the criminal world. If educational work were established at a high level, the situation and conditions would be different. Today, the Azerbaijani family gives importance to the education of their children. , but educational work is. This is a serious problem and must be avoided. There must be a concrete program, system and process. We will not be able to achieve anything until we take steps in this direction. “If we don’t do it, the future will be difficult for us.”

Expert in educational issues. Elchin MuradAccording to , the period between 15 and 20 years old is a difficult period for students:

“The scenes they witness on these eves have a direct impact on their psychology. This includes the television series, movies and programs they watch. Among them, the most influential factor is the social network “TikTok.”

According to the expert, there is indiscipline in schools:

“The reason for this situation in schools is that there is indiscipline. The solution to this is, firstly, strong discipline, secondly, activating school psychology and, thirdly, limiting the use of mobile phones, which is the biggest problem of children. and to control the crime prone situation the Ministry of Science and Education should cooperate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, once a month or a week, a psychological seminar should be held for male students on. the consequences of their actions.

It should be noted that according to the State Statistics Committee, in 2023, 494 adolescents between 14 and 17 years old committed crimes. In accordance with the dynamics of crime growth, the number of minors convicted has also increased. In 2023 alone, 310 adolescents between 14 and 17 years old were convicted for various criminal incidents.

Aygun Mirakif


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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