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HomeLatest NewsThree prison officers injured in altercation between inmates in Alcolea

Three prison officers injured in altercation between inmates in Alcolea

The CSIF union has denounced the attack by prisoners from the Alcolea prison against three officials during an altercation that occurred yesterday at the Córdoba penitentiary. The union has expressed its concern and shown its firm condemnation of the serious incidents that have resulted in aggression of varying degrees against three officials.

The union regretted in a press release the inaction of the Home office when implementing concrete measures so that prison professionals can carry out their work safely.

The events began on Friday afternoon when a fight broke out between three inmates in module 10, one of the most conflictual in the penitentiary center. One of the inmates, before being transferred to the isolation module due to these events, was going to undergo a preliminary search by the officers, during which the inmate gave several kicks and punches all over the body of one of the professionals, which caused serious bruises and contusions and required, initially, treatment in the infirmary and, later, in a hospital center in Cordoba.

Two other officials were beaten in this incidentbut they were not seriously injured.

The inmate who attacked him was later found with a sharp object and a homemade sharpening. Then another inmate broke the glass of a security door and tried to start a riot in the aforementioned module shouting: “It’s time to blow this all up.” This situation generated considerable uproar in the first moments, although in the end the the prisoner’s intentions They were not supported by the rest of their companions.

For all these reasons, the prisoner was transferred to an isolation module by several officers who rushed to the scene to reinforce and support this unit. At the same time, another prisoner from an adjoining module refused to hand over to the professionals. the drug that he had been spotted during a search, during which he had thrown himself on one of the workers who had managed to repel the attack. Likewise, he was transferred to isolation because of these events.

CSIF Prisons recalled that it had already informed the prison management team of the the tensions generated in these contradictory modules. The union highlighted in a statement “the professionalism of the staff of the Penitentiary Center of Cordoba, which manages these transformations.” regimental quickly and effectiveness in ensuring order, discipline and safety, while engaging in treatment programs that contribute to reintegration.

“The CSIF wishes a speedy recovery to the attacked officials and asks the management of the center to immediately transfer the aggressor prisoners, in addition to claiming once again the status of Authority agents for professionals in penitentiary institutions a considerable increase in staff, an adaptation of means of protection and continuous and updated training so that these unpleasant situations and incidents do not happen again”, insisted the union.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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