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HomeLatest NewsTips for enjoying the rut in Monfragüe in a sustainable way

Tips for enjoying the rut in Monfragüe in a sustainable way

The season of the natural spectacle of screamsan event that takes place in early autumn, at the end of September, when the deer mating season begins and the males emit their calls. characteristic bellows to attract females and of course not for many tourists.

THE to scream or roar This is the way they deter other rival males during the mating season, a very characteristic, almost guttural sound, very easy to distinguish and which marks the territory and power of the one who emits it.

Also, in this territorial and force struggleritual fights break out with the wood shockone more attraction to attract nature lovers and which has already attracted many visitors.

tourist attraction

Concerned about attracting a large tourist flow and preserving the rut and the life of the species, the autonomous communities They are beginning to think that this massive arrival needs to be modulated. and achieve a sustainable balance

Some of the most famous places in Spain to witness the roar These are the Sierra de la Culebra (Zamora), the Palentina Mountain (Palencia), Monfragüe (Extremadura), Saja-Besaya (Cantabria), Cijara (Extremadura), Alcornocales (Cádiz), Cabañeros (Ciudad Real) and Montes Universals. in the Sierra de Albarracín (Teruel).

Protect the rut

With the arrival of this significant event of nature, the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Sustainable Development of the Government of Extremadura has set up a special system to enjoy sustainably and without crowds of the rutting show in the Monfragüe National Park. In addition, he issued a series of recommendations so that this ritual of the deer in this natural space is not interrupted.

They organized a series of shows which will take place on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, from September 13 to October 13, during the general hours of 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Information measures

Among other measures, they installed information points in Villarreal de San Carlos, the Tajadilla viewpoint and the Báscula viewpoint, in addition to the installation of two other information points on the Bazagona road: one near the intersection of Saltos de Torrejón and another near the intersection with the road towards Serrejon.

It has also been activated minibus of the National Park to carry out regular routes between the viewpoints of the Bazagona highway, in order to avoid saturation of vehicles on it.

Furthermore, environmental agents remain operationalthe staff of the General Directorate of Sustainable Development and the staff of the Autonomous Body of National Parks, in coordination with the Civil Guard.

It is necessary to enjoy a spectacle of nature in a responsible and sustainable way so as not to disturb the animals.

Do not disturb the deer

The Council stresses that this special arrangement aims to achieve sustainable enjoyment of this park resourceTo do this, particular attention will be paid to maintaining a safe and respectful distance from the deer, as they are wild animals and not pets.

Other indications are avoid getting too close to the animal In order not to alter their natural behavior, the use of binoculars is therefore recommended. Also you must keep silentsince the rut is a crucial moment for the survival of deer, where males fight over females. Silence is necessary so as not to interrupt the natural process and enjoy the spectacle in all its magnitude.

Behaviors to avoid

In addition, you must refrain from using flashlights and torchesbecause artificial light disorients and stresses animals. This is vital don’t feed the deerbecause accustoming wild animals to eating from your hand harms them, as they stop looking for food for themselves, and it is also a punishable act.

Other recommendations for watching the rut are to park in designated spaces, don’t invade the road and do not leave any waste in this natural space. The aim of these preventive actions is to preserve the natural space at all times, to be respectful of the wildlife and to enjoy the rut in the best possible conditions.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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