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HomeLatest NewsTo alleviate agricultural crisis, EU advisers recommend reducing consumption of animal protein

To alleviate agricultural crisis, EU advisers recommend reducing consumption of animal protein

The streets are no longer set on fire or blocked by thousands of tractors that, a few months ago, were protesting throughout Europe against the problems of the sector. And once calm has returned, the report on the “Strategic Dialogue” that the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, commissioned from the German professor Peter Strohschneider, in which dozens of organizations have been participating for seven months, including agricultural employers but also social organizations such as Greenpeace or BirdLife. The experts propose a change of model to the community government with recommendations to guide the roadmap for the coming years, such as the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP) or a push to change consumption habits that involve a reduction in the diet based on meat and fish.

“The European Commission and Member States should adopt demand-side policies to create favourable food environments in which diets are balanced, healthy and resource-efficient, accessible, affordable and attractive. In this context, the Strategic Dialogue observes a trend towards a reduction in the consumption of some animal products and a greater interest in plant-based proteins. To improve the sustainable balance between animal and plant protein intake of the European population, it is crucial to support this trend,” says the document released on Wednesday.

The recommendation to eat less meat is the subject of scientific consensus, but every time the government puts it on the table, it is met with furious rejection by the livestock sector. This happened three years ago, when the then Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón, launched a campaign in which he urged Spaniards to eat less meat. The sector jumped on him and the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Planas, disowned him. “A cooked steak is unbeatable,” Pedro Sánchez responded to this controversy due to the commotion it caused.

Income-based assistance for farmers

Beyond changes in eating habits, the report highlights the need to align climate and environmental measures that particularly affect the agricultural sector and the financial support it requires. “Current policy must be modified to respond to current and future challenges and accelerate the ongoing transition of agri-food systems towards a more sustainable, competitive, profitable and diversified future,” the text states, mentioning the need to adapt the system to the future enlargement of the EU economy. The entry of the Eastern countries that are in the queue would lead to a change in the current distribution. In fact, Ukraine, known as the breadbasket of Europe, would absorb a good part of the resources with the current model while other countries, including Spain, would go from being a recipient of funds to a contributor.

Among the “objectives” that the European Commission has set for itself in this recast is that socio-economic aid goes to farmers who “need it most”. The idea is that the funds reach small farmers and not large companies in the sector. “The CAP should provide income support based on the economic viability of farmers”, the document states. They also propose that “positive environmental, social and animal welfare outcomes for society” be promoted in this reformulation. This is precisely what the EU has done in recent months, it is to reduce the climate requirements linked to the CAP. The other part concerns the strengthening of “favourable conditions for rural areas”.

What the report also highlights is that the transition period must be adequately financed and, in particular, it commits to ensuring that financial support for environmental and climate actions sees a “substantial annual increase” over the next two CAP periods, even if in the negotiation has not closed a specific percentage increase.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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