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“Today, all Lebanese are the target”

Lebanon is experiencing a week of maximum terror due to Israeli attacks, which intensified this Friday and Saturday. For the moment, the exact number of civilian deaths is not known. during the latest attacks on the southern suburbs of Beirut, where Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was eliminatedand other members of the Shiite militia party. In all, more than a thousand people died in Lebanon since Israel intensified its attacks early last week.

For the Lebanese, it was a night of maximum terror, as Céline recounts, a resident of Beirut who experienced the attacks on Friday evening: “The sounds followed one another. Of course we were afraid. “People started running out of the church and we were terrified.”

The attacks, explosions and fear repeated early Saturday morning. After a bombing scene, many families preferred to spend the night outsideon the beach or in the Plaza de los Mártires, before risking their building falling on them. Dalal Daher, another resident of the capital, recounts how she had to flee her home to reach a safer area. “We are here because in our regions there are attacks and bombings and yesterday’s attacks were incredible,” he said.

156 women and 87 minors, among the dead

The fear is real since in less than 10 days Israel has killed a thousand people and provoked more than 6,000 injuredas announced this Saturday by the Lebanese government. “From September 16 to 27, 1,030 people died, including 156 women and 87 minors. In addition, 6,352 people were injured,” the Lebanese Minister of Public Health said at a press conference.

However, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, tried to hide this reality, assuring before the UN Security Council that they were not at war against the civilians of Lebanon. “We are not at war with you. We are at war with Hezbollah,” he said, while directing the attacks against the Arab country from the organization’s headquarters in New York.

Daniel Hagari, spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), assured that “in a short time, they will attack weapons stored under buildings”. In these buildings, where Israel says Hezbollah keeps its weapons, civilians live. Here again, as in Gaza, they are asked to leave their homes. “Hezbollah exploits and endangers Lebanese civilians, using them as human shields for its weapons,” Hagari warned, using its signature argument to attack areas where civilians are located.

From Lebanon, the message is different. A young person from Beirut assures that “this attack confirms one thing”: “Today, all Lebanese are the target. “The Israeli enemy does not differentiate between military personnel and civilians.”




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