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HomeLatest NewsToday, the grotesque is Feijóo

Today, the grotesque is Feijóo

“Quo vadis, Feijóo?” has gone from an expression to draw attention to the opposition leader’s strategy to a desperate cry in his own ranks in the face of the drift of the man who said he had come to do politics for adults, not to follow Vox and flee from the abomination. Today the extravagance, they support beyond the impregnable clan of the Galicians, is it

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The opposition leader claims that the head of government is an emulator of Franco and that nothing is happening. The head of foreign policy of the PP accuses the Executive of being involved in a coup and slips us. The deputy secretary of Education of the party with the most votes declares that “the left needs the poor” and there are even some who laugh at her laughter? The spokesman for the Spanish extreme right solemnizes that the press is not there to supervise politics and therefore remains wide-eyed.

We are settled in delirium. So much so that it seems that we are unable to detect madness and its consequences when it dominates public debate. It is not that with the arrival of Vox in this country the absurdities have become normal, it is that the feeling that it is impossible to control madness begins to be evident. There is a certain politics and, yes, also a certain journalism that go hand in hand: the same discredit and the same weariness of the materials. But be careful, not all those who dedicate themselves to public activity are irresponsible, and the entire press does not act with the same codes either, even if it is easy – and unfair – to generalize and mix everything up.

In Spain there are politicians who have a clear vocation for public service; who believe in what they do; who do not enter into partisan wars; who do not grow up; who do not raise their voices, who never insult; who care about people’s problems and yet their work is not worthy of being printed or commented on radio and television talk shows. The magnitude, the disrespect, the grievances or the offenses always appear. The thicker the banner, the more typographic body it reaches or the more minutes of television it occupies. And the same thing happens in journalism if we accept that everything we read or hear is journalism, which does not seem to be the case in the current context, with so many paid agitators, so much opaque money and so many hoaxes financed by autonomous governments.

All this comes from a confession – not public – that a PP deputy made a few days ago in one of those groups that form in Congress between journalists and politicians. “Not everything is worth it and I am not prepared to do everything.” The criticism was directed not at his political rivals, but at his party’s increasingly evident strategy of normalizing absurdities, attacking ministers personally and not their policies, and hyperbolizing everything until all the red lines are crossed.

The political news has become a real race to see who will be able to overcome the madness of the closest competitor. And in the case of the PP, which has become an emulator of Vox, this is already causing unease even within its own ranks.

Genova Street is so obsessed with making the government lose a vote in Parliament every week that shows its weakness, that it has neither the time nor the interest in talking to its voters and those it aspires to conquer about how to end inequality, improve education or health. or to provide solutions to the housing problem. This Tuesday, we witnessed in Congress when a euphoric right – PP, Vox and Junts – celebrated with great enthusiasm that a parliamentary initiative by Sumar that sought to correct a black hole in the housing law to regulate the seasonal rental ruse used by tenants to increase prices for tenants every year.

“Quo vadis, Feijóo?” has gone from being an alarm bell about the opposition leader’s strategy to conquer Moncloa to a desperate cry within his own ranks in the face of the drift of the one who said he had come to do politics for adults, and not to follow other parties – in reference to Vox – and flee from absurdity. Today, he is extravagance and horror. And this is something that is already being heard among those who are part of his own leadership, beyond the impregnable Galician clan.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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