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Toledo and institutions turn to policies for ELA

Around 4,500 runners filled the streets of Toledo yesterday as part of the “Solidarity Race against ALS”, organized by the Eurocaja Rural Foundation, with the aim of raising awareness in society against ALS and raising funds to promote its research and its assistance to patients and their families, to benefit ALS organizations across the state.

The test, for the benefit of Adelante Castilla-La Mancha, Adela Madrid, ELA Castilla y León, Adela Comunidad Valenciana, ELA Region of Murcia, Aragonese Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Araela) and the Cantabrian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (canELA ) , It started with the ten and five kilometer courses, with the subsequent implementation of children’s races.

A few moments before the start of the race, the president of the Eurocaja Rural Foundation, Javier López Martínread a manifesto in memory of José Luis García and also in memory of all the people who suffer and have suffered from this disease. “Even if ALS makes you mute, there are many people who give you a voice. And that’s why we came. Because today we are one, and we are going to shout very loudly, together, that enough is enough,” he stressed in the manifesto.

In addition to the president of the Eurocaja Rural Foundation and the general director of the financial entity, Javier López Martín and Victor Manuel Martin Lopez respectively, the government delegate in Castile-La Mancha participated in the event, Milagros Tolon Jaime; the mayor of Toledo, Carlos Velazquez Romo (accompanied by the councilor for the Tagus River, Environment and Sports of the Toledo City Council, Rubén Lozano Guerra); the Deputy Minister for the Promotion of Autonomy and Attention to Council Dependence, Javier Pérez Fernández (accompanied by the general director of Handicap de Castilla-La Mancha, Francisco José Armenta Menéndez), and representatives of the beneficiary entities.

Likewise, the deputy delegate for Sports and Equality of the Provincial Delegation of Toledo, Pilar Martín, showed her support for this initiative through her presence; the deputy delegate for Business and Heritage, José Eugenio del Castillo Fernández-Pacheco; the Cortés deputy and president of the CLM Popular Party, Francisco Javier Núñez Núñez and the Cortés CLM deputy and spokesperson for the Cortés Popular Group, Carolina Agudo Alonso, among others.

Likewise, representatives of the beneficiary entities were present, as president of Adelante Castilla-La ManchaDavid Amores, and the ambassador of the same and first senator with ALS in the history of Spain, Juan Ramón Amores; the president of Adela Madrid, Carmen Martínez Sarmiento; the president of ELA Comunidad Valenciana, Pepe Jiménez; the president of the ELA Region of Murcia, Ely Motellón; THE president of ELA Castilla y León, Rosa María Gómez Ortega; the secretary of Araela, Andrea Castillo, or the president of canELA, Fernando Martín Pérez.

Also present at this edition, as sponsors, were the director of Financial Services of Minsait, Álvaro de Salas Lasagabaster; the territorial director of Eulen in Castile-La Mancha, María José Sáez Pérez, and the CEO of the Unitel Group, Mario Martín, and as ambassador and godmother of the test Esther Portillo and the Olympic athlete Irene Sánchez-Escribano, respectively .

During his speech to the media, the president of the Eurocaja Rural Foundation thanked the massive participation of the company, the support of Public Administrations, as well as the response of sponsors, collaborators and volunteers. “This race already constitutes a national reference against the disease. Thousands of people from all over Spain contributed their grain of sand to this noble cause. And this encourages us to continue to organize the test year after year,” he said.

“The objective set for registrations and fundraising was exceeded thanks to the efforts and sensitivity of everyone. For Eurocaja Rural and its Foundation, this fact represents great satisfaction. And of course, it is also a source of pride for the participants because it is a collective and common achievement. “As a common team which today wears with joy this green jersey of hope,” he added.

Finally, he stressed that “this initiative demonstrates, once again, that it is possible to unite and channel the efforts of all. “That we can help by joining forces to raise awareness about ALS and the need for patients to be able to live with quality and dignity. »

For his part, the Government delegate in Castile-La ManchaMilagros Tolón Jaime, congratulated the Eurocaja Rural Foundation for helping to fight a disease as brutal as ALS.

“We see 3 issues that need to be highlighted: this is a solidarity activity from the city of Toledo and outside of Toledo to show solidarity with those affected by ALS; From an economic point of view, helping vital research into this type of disease and to support ALS patients; “And also very important is the law that is being examined in the Congress of Deputies, where all political groups have agreed to adopt this law and protect ALS nurses,” Tolón said.

“From the Spanish government we are working to cover the needs of this group through the general state budgets, providing more money for research and for the study of ALS,” he added , finally congratulating Eurocaja Rural for its solidarity commitment.

For his part, the Deputy Minister of Promotion of Autonomy and Attention to Council Dependence, Javier Pérez Fernández, declared that “today we are all a little stronger. Today we are uniting the social, citizen and political consensus that will allow us to have a law on ALS in Spain in a few weeks. “This will bring benefits, services and dignity to patients and their families.”

In our region, we anticipated this SLA law and the evaluation of the degree of disability and dependence is already a priority. in Castile-La Mancha. More than 75,000 families receive a benefit or service every day as part of a catalog of a dependency system that is a benchmark throughout the country. This same week, the Government Council approved the allocation of more than 66 million, a record budget, for the next appeal for people with disabilities”, affirmed Pérez, also thanking Eurocaja Rural for its efforts on behalf of the Government of Castile- The Channel.

Finally, the mayor of Toledo, Carlos Velázquez Romostressed that this event brings together “the promotion of sport, healthy lifestyle habits and inclusion, support and the fight against ALS. And today we also remember José Luis, who we remember wearing this t-shirt, whether we can run, walk or simply accompany the people who are here today.

“We, at the City Council, are delighted with the collaboration that we regularly maintain with Eurocaja Rural as one of the main companies, not only in Toledo but also in Castile-La Mancha, generating numerous jobs and with initiatives that demonstrate the heart of this entity. . Twelve years of celebrating this race “which made this test the most important sporting event against ALS,” concluded Velázquez.

A real party

The test started with ten and five kilometer routes and later the children’s races took place. The test route was, once again, accessible to people with disabilities and crossed emblematic places of the city such as Puerta de Bisagra.

The initiative constitutes a real celebration, which is why leisure areas have been set up around C/ Méjico, so that children and families can enjoy this leisure of a solidarity nature.

Anyone who wishes to continue collaborating on this initiative can Do it until October 13 by donating via Dorsal Ceroactivated on the website Although the 80,000 euros have already been exceeded, the figure reached is not yet final. All profits will be allocated entirely and equally to the different regional associations linked to the disease within the framework of Eurocaja Rural.

The charitable and 100% solidarity nature of this race has always motivated a great social, institutional and commercial participation, which has been corroborated by the increase each year in the number of participants and fundraising, receiving for this edition registrations from all regions of Spain.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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