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HomeLatest NewsToledo breeders can't take it anymore: "Animals are dying"

Toledo breeders can’t take it anymore: “Animals are dying”


Updated on 04/09/2024 at 6:34 p.m.

“Listening to the cries of animals asking for food is heartbreaking,” said the provincial secretary of Asaja, Blanca Corroto, during the press conference held at the headquarters of the Toledo Business Federation (Fedeto) by representatives of the region’s livestock sector. She again stated that “the animals are dying” and that, therefore, The situation is one of “despair, anguish and helplessness” due to the lack of food for the animals. All this led to the announcement that “we cannot hold out for more than two days” and that if we do not have a “solution now”, everything could lead to the mobilization of the livestock sector as well, without this leading to a confrontation with the transport sector, a sector that has been mobilized for days.

Fedeto’s Secretary General, Manuel Madruga described the situation as “incomprehensible, unsustainable and distressing.” He demanded priority attention for the sector “but with solutions and not fixes.” showing their disbelief in a situation where no one is acting to supply these types of businesses.

Madruga showed his respect for the carriers’ strike and stressed that they do not want to criminalize anyone or hold anyone responsible for the situation, beyond the violent picketing that is taking place, but he stressed that the strike is now a full-fledged strike by employers, so they expect there to be minimum services already.

Fedeto’s secretary describes the situation by saying that “the problem is that Almost no food arrived in Castile-La Mancha, about ten percent and a little more “, and stressed that there is an “absolute shortage” and that the safety stock is exhausted, so the animals have no food and there is a “risk” not only of their death, but also of the supply of the food sector in supermarkets.

Faced with this scenario, Madruga highlights the “chaotic” situation of livestock farming, with animals on the verge of death and slaughterhouses with processed meat that cannot leave, as well as the fact that organic products are not being withdrawn and the consequent “serious problem” for health that this generates.

Regarding the responsibilities of the central government, He assures that for the moment, this is characterized by “inaction in the negotiation.” He stressed that the Ministry of Finance “is turning a blind eye, waiting for the 29th when other countries have already made decisions, and also makes proposals that do not satisfy anyone and are not close to those of other countries. Thus, regarding the 500 million put on the table by the government for the transport sector, he first stressed that “it is not specified why”, and he also gave the example of other countries with much higher amounts that translate into higher compensations in the fuel sector. prices. He also recalled that the problem of inflation dates back to before the war, although it is becoming more acute today.

According to him, “from the beginning” the Ministry of the Interior should have given the necessary importance to the strike and protected “all” transport routes and ports, “which was not done”, because “it was set up”. the same profile as that of the Treasury.”

He added that “someone will have to compensate because “If there are violent pickets and the Interior Ministry does not protect, they must take responsibility and compensate.” He also regretted that the government wanted to avoid the photo of state security forces and agencies avoiding the strike, but instead sought the photo of exhausted supermarkets.

Interior like a “flower pot”

Asaja Provincial Secretary and Regional Vice President of the organization, Blanca Corroto said the Interior Ministry was “like a vase” and that if measures had been taken since last week, the current situation would not have been reached.

Although he indicated that there are convoys arriving thanks to the state security forces and bodies, he also said that it is “insufficient.” “If there was more security, more transport companies could join us, but fear is free and people are afraid” he said. That is why he asked for peace of mind for transport companies and wondered how animal feed was not treated as a basic necessity and a minimum service.

In a harsh and desperate message, the representative of the Association of Food Manufacturers of the province, Mario Contento stressed that this whole problem occurs on farms, because that is where the animals die. . “We need to raise awareness among people,” he said, because producing your own food is not enough, and then he attacked the government delegate, Francisco Tierraseca: “he washed his hands.” “What do we have to wait for on the 29th and for the animals to die?”, asked Contento, who also said that They do not want to wage “a war” against truckers because what they are demanding is legitimate. and that calling for demonstrations is not the solution but rather the solution to the problems.

Despite these comments, he does not rule out that if a solution to this problem is not found between Tuesday and Wednesday, farmers and breeders will mobilize. “A solution must be found now,” and as a measure to reach the protest, he said that “the limit is set by the animals.” . Finally, he also asks: “where are the animal rights activists?

Urgent resources

For his part, Urbano Herrero d’Asoprovac (beef) said that this problem that is occurring in Toledo could extend to Castilla-La Mancha and the entire national territory. “Our animals are starting to die, we started going around looking for the last kilo of barley that was left and no one did anything,” he said. .

According to him, the animals are not leaving the farms because no truck dares to load them, which means that meat reserves are running out and food is starting to run out in supermarkets. “It’s a very big problem because it can be an animal welfare issue, an animal health issue and a public safety issue. ” he said, which is why he asked to be taken seriously to solve it.

Low stock

The president of Avicam (poultry farming), Francisco Olivares showed that Every day they need 1,500 tons of food to feed their chickens, and not even 20 percent of it reaches them, This is why convoys had to be organized with trucks from the same producing companies and asking for favors. In this sense, he asked that the administrations act in this sense because the situation “is very dramatic.”

Finally, the general manager of Argaporc, Thomas Recio described the situation as one of “anguish, despair and helplessness.” “Every day is uncertainty and the situation on the farms is extreme” he added.

“We support the demands of the transport sector, but the strike is a right and not an obligation, and even more so in a sector like ours that needs to feed animals every day,” he said.

Without government help

About the role of Regional Administration, Recio emphasizes that he is taking measures and showing good will, but that “he goes as far as he goes” and that it is a matter that concerns the State of the nation. “Talk to the government delegation and try to coordinate the convoys, but without the help of the national government, nothing can be done,” he concluded.

Precisely on this issue of the protection of convoys, those affected expressed their dissatisfaction with the organization of protection against the pickets, consisting of a Civil Guard car in front and behind them. In spite of themselves, they assured that a high percentage of trucks had tires punctured by the pickets and that upon arrival in Murcia they had to abandon the escort. Only thanks to the management of the Ministry of Agriculture with the Region of Murcia, they said, can the situation be partially resolved.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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