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Traffic cuts for cars and villavesas in the Iturrama neighborhood due to works

Traffic cuts for cars and villavesas in the Iturrama neighborhood due to works

He Iturrama districtwhich is already currently undergoing work on its main street, will undergo more work on its streets. On this occasion, the Local Government Commission of the Pamplona City Council agreed to invest a total of 178,624.88 euros in the renewal of the asphalt of part of Íñigo Arista Street, in the Iturrama district.

The works, awarded to Viaria Aglomerado SL under the framework agreement for the improvement of the public space of the Pamplona road, will begin on Tuesday November 12 and will last five school days. This work is part of the asphalting campaign that the Town Hall began in mid-July and which made it possible to carry out work in half a dozen streets in the city.

This last action will concern repair the roadway in both directions of traffic in the section between Serafín Olave and Pedro I streets, including the Serafín Olave street roundabout, given the deterioration it presents.

Heavy traffic, atmospheric agents and the lack of comprehensive actions have led to the current state of the road surface. This is why the work will include a reinforcement of 3 centimeters of the roadway on the entire selected road, prior remediation of sections of existing roadways in poor condition.

In the specific case of the roundabout, the current layer will be milled, incised up to five centimeters, and it will be repaved. The rest of the street, between Serafín Olave and Sancho el Fuerteand between Navarra Avenue and Pedro I, will not be subject to reforms, because the sidewalk is in good condition.

From the five days of work plannedthree will be devoted to paving and two others to road markings and surfacing to reinforce the current surface. These works will generate traffic reductions progressive in the action sections, from 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday 12, the date on which the roundabout concerned will be cut off. In addition, There will be detours in urban transport. The parking ban will remain in effect for the duration of the road marking work.

One day before the start of works at Iñigo AristaMonday, November 11, the asphalt work on Zaragoza Avenue will begin, in the section between Río Queiles and Sangüesa streets, in the center of the city, for which 208,094.11 euros have been budgeted. The turnaround time will also be five days.

The Pamplona City Council, as part of this year’s asphalt campaign, has already invested 1,285,881.09 euros in eight different performances. In addition to the paving of Íñigo Arista and Zaragoza Avenue, Plaza de los Fueros, Esquiroz Street, Ronda de Azpilagaña, Villava Avenue and Barañáin Avenue were paved. Additionally, Alfonso el Batallador Street was paved this week.

The largest investment was made in the Barañain Avenuewith 218,668.83 euros. Zaragoza Avenue will follow, with more than 208,000 euros. Most of the actions had a cost between 160,000 and 184,000 euros, except in the case of the Azpilagaña ring road, whose cost was 81,780 euros and Alfonso el Battler street. of which 71,409.72 euros will be invested.



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