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Traitor king and botarate

The confidences of the always “king emeritus” to one of his lovers are not simple gossip. His gratitude to the Armada aims to be after the 23-F. And his comments about a false pro-Republican plot carried out by people on the left prove that he was also lying when he said that he was “the king of all Spaniards”, being on the right.

The secrets of the 23F room

I was really close to skipping the Juan Carlos and Bárbara Rey audios. We are experiencing a diabolical historical situation with its epicenter in the Middle East, the complexity of which came to me by interviewing Palestinians Sanaa Alwaara, Manal Tamimi and Aya Khalaf for whom the Hamas attacks of October 7 and its 1,200 deaths are not “terrorism”. but “legitimate Palestinian resistance after 75 years of occupation by Israel” which has now also murdered 42,000 Gazans. Agreeing with them on so many things, I tell myself that “violence is unjustifiable” and that “violence only begets violence”. At the same time, I blame myself: “But, are we going on a hunger strike or are we going on a hunger strike for the Sahrawis who remain peaceful while waiting for the referendum that the UN has approved? Or for the Sahrawis, including children, whom the PSOE-Sumar government expels to Morocco? These dilemmas challenge me.

Also the racist wave to encourage fascism in world governments. Your strategy? An anti-immigrant who adapts 20th century anti-Semitism to the 21st. In less than a month, we face the American elections between Harris and Trump. Today, 17 EU countries are working to step up their rejection of migrants. They are doing it against international law, against all economic logic and by destroying the Grenada pact of a year ago, already very restrictive. Be careful, there are not only countries led by fascists, but also Macron’s France or Germany and Denmark of social democratic leaders.

In such a scenario, it is a relief and it is appreciated that, this Wednesday, President Pedro Sánchez defended immigration and immigrants during the session of Congress requested by the PP on the subject, although Feijóo came later to once again exploit the pain caused. by ETA. It is very good that Sánchez said: “We Spaniards are children of migration, we are not going to be parents of xenophobia. » All that remains is to change, in a coherent manner, the immigration policies applied by your governments. Starting by quickly and properly regularizing the 500,000 immigrants whose ILP faces so many obstacles.

Reimbursement and no title of “emeritus king”

Between one thing and another, are we here for audios of Juan Carlos and Bárbara Rey? Is there something of social interest behind the sordid brilliance of these photos taken by the star’s son? An insight after verifying that the person who for years was called “campechano” is actually a “botarate” unable to see how she sticks her tongue out at him and accumulates material to make him sing without the subtlety of Mata Hari?

Well, to begin with, there is this gratitude on his part “towards the silence of the Armada” which sows more doubts than those which have accumulated for years about the role of Juan Carlos I in the 23-F: Did he overthrow him? Did you encourage him? Both? Today, when hoaxes and mud machines are so rightly denounced, we have the right to know the truth about our history and for that we need the documents on the coup to be declassified, like Podemos announces that he is going to demand by registering a bill.

There is also the question of money: did the government pay with money from a secret intelligence service fund, that is to say with our taxes, for the king’s romantic blackmail? The government of that rude Felipe González who shouts “I have no fucking idea” or also that of Aznar? Just this lover or more? Why the total amount? Is La Zarzuela planning to return it or just like she refuses to apologize to Mexico for the colonization, arguing that for a long time she too wanted to draw a thick veil over this theft the day before yesterday?

Political partisanship of former King Juan Carlos

But new audio also reveals the betrayal of the lying king by always proclaiming himself “king of all Spaniards”, even though he was a right-wing supporter. This is evident when he says that “we must be vigilant” because “intellectuals, journalists, sectors of the PSOE opposed to Felipe (González) and led by Guerra (Alfonso), an important group of the IU, intellectuals” incite to proclaim the republic. He thus betrays the trust of this progressive Spain, of this left-wing Spain, of so many people who fought back against the Franco regime and their families, of so many anti-Franco activists and their families who, when the Transition arrived, gave in. , accepted the ignominy that, even in death, the dictator imposed on his successor at the head of the State, a Bourbon no less, at the head of democratic Spain.

It is an insult, a betrayal of the trust of so many people on the left and republicans who accepted the monarchy and respected, thanked and admired Juan Carlos, that he, in the 90s, falsely accused them of having fomented the proclamation of the Third Republic. .

Those of us who were born after Franco’s death, children of anti-Franco supporters, and grew up in that monarchy, know how little or nothing the republic claimed for itself. The king’s Christmas speech, which, year after year, sank into the pathos of false exemplarity, was then received with respect, gratitude, even admiration by many progressives (although I know that the “families of the order” succeeded brilliantly). Many leftists, without being monarchists, were “Juancarlistas”. They sincerely believed that he embodied harmony. The teasing of precious and generous people, some so dear, living and dead, rebels me.

There was no such danger of republican insurrection, on the contrary, the Crown lacked the slightest control due to the blind adherence of an infantilized and vaccinated society with the impotence that without a king it would be incapable of advancing , that she commit suicide again like during the war of 36.

New fictions support Felipe VI

Today we are left with other fictions, pieces of a cracking papier-mâché whole: such as for example that King Felipe VI is separated from his father when there are testimonies and testimonies according to which their links are maintained, or that Queen Sofía has safeguarded the dignity of the institution and thanks to her it reaches the son and granddaughter intact, as declared these days by the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles . Such a message reinforces the role of a submissive woman, who consents to contempt, which is harmful to overcoming gender violence and its feminicides. He who consents to a life of offenses like Sofia of Greece has no more dignity than he who, even without infidelity, divorces, like the parents of the current Queen Leticia. Or Leticia herself.

Today, new fictions are created to support the monarchy, such as that according to which Felipe VI broke with Juan Carlos I, that Doña Sofía bequeaths intact the dignity of the institution to her son and granddaughter for having endured a life of affronts, or that these last two Bourbon kings embody the values ​​of the Second Republic.

Pedro Sánchez went so far as to say that the monarchy of democratic Spain represents the values ​​of the Second Republic. Felipe VI and Leticia Ortíz took part in the tribute to the exiled Spanish republicans who liberated Paris from the Nazis. Let’s end the hypocrisy.

We must, citizens and leaders of a mature democratic state whose sovereignty resides in the people, demand that former King Juan Carlos be stripped of the undeserved honor of being “King Emeritus”, and that he cease cost money. We deserve to be able to decide without fear whether to keep Felipe VI or to free ourselves from the archaic monarchy, a golden cage of intrigues and appearances, a disastrous legacy for girls like Princess Leonor and her sister the Infanta Sofia.

The visceral confrontation of the PP with the PSOE this Wednesday in Congress, the internal struggles within each party do not give rise to hope for a Spain that takes care of itself without confiding in the bosses/godfathers. But after Wednesday, there was a Thursday when Parliament unanimously approved the ALS law. We Spaniards are no less capable of managing our destinies and our differences than the Americans, the Italians, the French, the Germans, the Portuguese, the Brazilians, the Mexicans, the Chileans, the Hindus, the South Koreans, the South Africans, Nigerians, Senegalese… Triple monarchy republics. With or without kings, now and tomorrow, we must respect each other and be respected. Without this, celebrations like today, October 12, are a travesty.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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