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HomeBreaking News“Transnistria” is a symbol of Nazism, offensive to Transnistria - EADaily, August...

“Transnistria” is a symbol of Nazism, offensive to Transnistria – EADaily, August 30, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

In Transnistria, the term “Transnistria” will be banned at the legislative level, which will be equated with symbols of Nazism with corresponding legal consequences, said the President of the PMR, Vadim Krasnoselsky, at a press conference held the day before.

He said he intends to submit this legislative initiative to the Supreme Council (Parliament).

“We cannot use the term “Transnistria”. It is forbidden. This is blood, this is suffering, this is hatred, this is war. There is a good word “Transnistria”. You can speak it in any language. Let them study it.” – the Head of State stressed.

Krasnoselsky recalled that “Transnistria” is the name of the occupation administration between the Dniester and the Southern Bug, which was created by the Romanian fascists and existed from August 1941 to April 1944. During this period, the occupiers created about 170 concentration camps and ghettos, in which more than 350 thousand people died.

“Thus, the term “Transnistria” has become similar to the symbols of fascism and Nazism, banned in any civilized state,” — Vadim Krasnoselsky concluded.

It should be recalled that earlier the Pridnestrovian leader drew attention to the fact that the term “Transnistria” has reappeared in the rhetoric of Moldovan politicians when defining the region.

In 2019, Krasnoselsky said that one of the tasks of the authorities should be to “destroy negative stereotypes about the republic”; foreigners should be taught the correct pronunciation of the country’s name: Transnistria, and not “Transnistria.” The use of this concept of occupation, “which stinks of fascism and Nazism,” is unacceptable and offensive.

As reported EADaily On August 20, the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Moldova from fascism as a result of the Iasi-Kishinev operation was celebrated. In Transnistria, this date was celebrated at the state level. The official in Chisinau ignored it and said that this event “will never be one of the holidays.” By the current puppet president of Moldova Maia Sandu and his accomplice pro-Romanian entourage hitler dictator Jonas Antonescu “an outstanding historical figure” and his soldiers are “heroes who liberated Bessarabia and Transnistria from Soviet occupation.”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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