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HomeLatest NewsTreasury reveals when it will receive personal income tax refund

Treasury reveals when it will receive personal income tax refund

Tax authorities reveals to us when they will receive the personal income tax refund mutualists who must be attentive to what is going to happen. After these experts became aware that the possibility of being able to recover the money they had paid in advance was present on their tax returns, they all became aware of their checking accounts. While waiting for a return which could occur in the best case soon. The important thing is that there is already a date to receive refunds for this tax.

Money that can be collected in the best possible way and with the help of a few elements that will make the difference. In these times of crisis, every euro counts, it will be the one that really can, it will be the one that accompanies us in these days that we have before us and that will be fundamental in this destiny that we face. . Thus, knowing the measures taken by the Treasury can get us out of more than one problem. It is time to find out when the refund of a tax that greatly affects seniors and their families will take place.

Members must be very attentive

In the same way that the mutualists had You need to be very aware of what is happening around you. When the opportunity to get their money back presented itself, for many it meant the arrival of a few extra euros, which, in reality, belonged to them. Without anything or anyone affecting them.

This possibility of rectifying accounts pending for years represents an additional charge on their tax return that many people will gradually receive. As time goes by, we have to take into account everything we gain over the years.

The Treasury is responsible for putting everything in its place, including the extra money we may have to a greater or lesser extent than we imagine. As explained on the Tax Administration website: “The AEAT works in coordination with Social Security and other organizations, in order to respond to requests for reimbursement from mutualists (DT 2nd LIRPF) as quickly as possible and with the as little inconvenience as possible. citizens. To this end, it is planned that on March 20, a simple form will be activated that will allow all requests to be routed for resolution based on the information available to the Agency, as well as information on the professional life of the candidates that the The AEAT agency collects from social security and other organizations.

Therefore, it will not be necessary to attach any type of documentation to the request, since, in general, the AEAT will already have the necessary information to resolve the request. However, in the event that it is not possible to resolve a specific request with the available information, interested parties may be required to subsequently provide the necessary documents.

This is the date on which the Treasury will pay income tax to mutual members.

The date when income refunds can be made is getting closer and closer. Once the mutualists have submitted all the documentation, the maximum date for this process will be July 1, when all the mechanisms of the Tax Agency will be put into operation.

As they explain to us: “In order to apply what is established in the second transitional provision (hereinafter DT 2) of Law 35/2006 on personal income tax, for retirees who receive currently benefits corresponding to social security contributions. mutual security companies which may give rise to a reduction in the taxation of their work income in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned provision, in the 2023 income declaration, adjustments will be calculated on retirement or disability pensions, to achieve to this tax reduction. HE will proceed depending on whether or not the tax administration has or not the information necessary to calculate the amount of the reduction that may apply.

The time will therefore have come to wait for this money which will arrive within a maximum of 6 months from the end of the Income campaign. That is, until December 31, the last day of the year, they have time to pay this money. Although it will probably arrive sooner.

There is also no explanation about who was paid before or after or, making the declaration before means that the money arrives in a shorter period of time, quite the contrary. We may be confronted with a series of elements which are fundamental and which may prove essential today.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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