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HomeEntertainment NewsTrial ordered against Mimi Marchand, suspected of blackmailing Karine Le Marchand

Trial ordered against Mimi Marchand, suspected of blackmailing Karine Le Marchand

An investigating judge on August 7 ordered a trial before the Paris criminal court for Michèle “Mimi” Marchand, a well-known media figure suspected of having tried to extort money from television presenter Karine Le Marchand, Agence France-Presse learned on Wednesday from a source close to the matter, confirming information from Midpart.

According to this source, Mimi Marchand, 77, who denies the facts, will be tried for extortion for having put pressure on the presenter of “L’amour est dans le pré” (M6), a civil party in this case, who paid her 1,600 euros not to publish photos of her daughter leaving police custody.

Karine Le Marchand filed a complaint in mid-February 2020 with the General Inspection of the National Police (IGPN), indicating that a ” fountain “ An acquaintance of hers had narrowly prevented the publication of photographs of her daughter leaving police custody in exchange for a payment of 3,000 euros. At the time, the presenter did not mention the name of her source, Michèle Marchand.

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The two women met a few days later during a lunch where the one who also presented “Une ambition íntimo” or “Les Maternelles” handed over 1,600 euros to start the repayment of this ” service “.

According to a source close to the case, Mimi Marchand would be suspected of having put pressure on Karine Le Marchand, who did not make herself available and had not paid her the full amount mentioned (3,000 euros) during their first exchange, by telling her: “It will be too late… it is annoying for the little one.” During questioning, Mimi Marchand denied any form of pressure and stated that it was Karine Le Marchand who had “insisted” so that she could take the money.

A policeman in court

The photos were taken by Sébastien Valiela, a star paparazzi, who will be tried for active corruption. A trial has also been ordered against one of his alleged informants, police officer Marc M., aged 45.

Due to the links between the protagonists, this section was attached to an emblematic case, therefore judged in this same trial: the investigation opened after the broadcast by Paris match In February 2020, photographs and a video were released showing Russian Pyotr Pavlensky lying face down on the ground, his hands handcuffed.

Two days earlier, Piotr Pavlensky had claimed responsibility for the dissemination of sexually explicit videos of Benjamin Griveaux, then a candidate for the Paris City Council of La République en Marche (LREM), leading to his withdrawal from the municipal race on 14 February 2020.

Marc M. and another police officer, David O., 55, are suspected of having informed Sébastien Valiela about the upcoming arrest. Marc M. will therefore be tried for falsification of public documents for these facts, because he is suspected of having falsified a report to conceal Sébastien Valiela’s key role in the episode.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Russian artist Pyotr Pavlensky was sent to prison for distributing an intimate video of Benjamin Griveaux

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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