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HomeLatest NewsTrial with five defendants suspended due to unexpected absence of lawyer

Trial with five defendants suspended due to unexpected absence of lawyer

The president of the court and the provincial court of Toledo, Juan Ramón Brigidano, was dissatisfied. They rushed this Wednesday to hold the trial, since two men have been in provisional prison for almost three years, but it had to be suspended due to the unexpected absence of one of the defense lawyers.

On Monday he was admitted to a Madrid hospital for pneumonia, which he only reported this morning and which must be proven. Even a relative of the accused in question stood up in the audience to explain to the court the conversation he had with the lawyer about his illness.

The urgency of holding the hearing, with five defendants, is such that the three judges have set the new hearing for October 31. It will judge the attempted homicide of Andrés Antonio at the hands, allegedly, of two Colombian compatriots: Sergio David and Rubén Darío, imprisoned preventively since the end of September 2021 for this case. Two Colombian women, Marelín Dayán and Luz Andrea, are accused of the crime of injuries, as is the victim.

We have to go back three years, to September 25 of that same year, Saturday, to situate the events of Torrijos, in the conflictual residential neighborhood of “Las Chapas”. This is a group of apartments spread over three blocks on Minister Juan José Benayas Street, in the Puerta de Maqueda neighborhood, about 300 meters on foot from the city hall.

There, at around 4:30 in the morning, Sergio David and Rubén Darío went to Andrés Antonio’s house “to reproach him for a confrontation” a few days ago, according to the prosecutor’s office. Andrés Antonio He received them at his door with two knives hidden in his clothes. and as he was leaving the apartment, “without saying a word”, Sergio David punched him in the face while Rubén Darío pushed him. During the struggle, Andrés Antonio injured his attackers. He then fell to the ground, which his two attackers took advantage of to grab the knives from him and stab him several times in different parts of his body.

Marelín Dayán and Luz Andrea entered the scene. They also took the knives and stabbed the injured person. The first one hit him in the head and the second one in the leg. Finally, a neighbor helped Andrés Antonio and immediately took him to the hospital because some of his injuries were very serious.

Before the postponement of this morning’s session, an agreement was attempted on reducing the sentences, but Luz Andrea, imprisoned for another reason, refused to accept. Sergio David and Rubén Darío were sentenced to five years in prison for attempted homicide, while the two women were sentenced to two years in prison suspended for the crime of injury with the use of a dangerous instrument.

For his part, Andrés Antonio, victim and accused in this procedure, would have been sentenced to two years in prison for the same crime and the application of the mitigating circumstance of self-defense. But the absence of Rubén Darío’s lawyer forced the trial date to be postponed to the last day of October.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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