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HomeLatest NewsTroops from the Cerro Muriano base prepare to deploy to Latvia: tense...

Troops from the Cerro Muriano base prepare to deploy to Latvia: tense calm on the shores of the Baltic

The mission in Lebanon will not be the only international task carried out by the “Guzmán El Bueno” for the fourth time) within the framework of the so-called “Enhanced Forward Presence” (ePF) whose main task is deterrence and defense on the eastern flank of Europe. According to Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Quintian, who commands these professionals in the area of ​​operations, as part of the “Battle Group” led by Canada, “in Latvia, the situation is currently quite stable, although training, as always , is very demanding. The truth is that this mission is much easier to prepare than others, since we will mainly do activities that we already develop here, such as daily training with the units or shooting exercises. Related news vertical photo gallery No The army of. The BRI deployed Leopard battle tanks and Pizarro infantry fighting vehicles. Other mechanized assets are also provided, such as tracked armored vehicles, heavy mortars, sapper combat vehicles and Spike anti-tank missiles. The harsh winter in Latvia is the “enemy” that most worries the troops from Cordoba who will travel within a month and a year. half to this Baltic destination. “The thermometer can go down to minus 20 degrees. This must be assimilated. We are prepared for all situations, we have practiced them, but we do not know how we are going to be able to withstand this cold”, said soldier García, driver of a Leopard, with his companions, although everyone emphasizes the ” enthusiasm” to participate in this mission, “and if it is good, to participate in those which will come later”, they say with enthusiasm.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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