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HomeBreaking NewsTrump and Kamala Harris' first debate – Mutual accusations, absurd statements and...

Trump and Kamala Harris’ first debate – Mutual accusations, absurd statements and zero results

The long-awaited first debate between presidential candidates Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris took place in the United States. But watching this debate, one feels truly embarrassed, laughs with disgust and regrets the desire of those who want to dominate the world in a unipolar way. During the debate, the parties accused each other of global problems rather than domestic concerns. Neither Trump, who said that he is far from globalist politics, nor Kamala Harris, who hides under the umbrella of democracy, focused too much on domestic issues. Both presented themselves as saviors and intolerants of the world, in accordance with the essence of American politics. Because if the world is a “flower garden”, the United States will achieve its dream even more. More precisely, if the world turns into ruins, the United States will rule more prosperously and imperialistically. Therefore, it can be said that the opinions expressed in the debate and the mutual accusations are just absurd and calculated to score points.

The main point of the debate was, as expected, related to regional conflicts. In particular, the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine crises formed the basis of the discussions. For example, Trump accused Harris of not intending to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine, but he himself wants the war to end. The goal is to end the war and save the lives of more civilians. The main condition for this is to stop supporting Ukraine. Even before the president is elected, he is preparing to negotiate between the parties. But look at the hypocrisy and falsehood with which Trump then accuses Harris of hating Israel and condemns her opposition to Israel’s operation in Gaza. But how is it that those who died in the Ukraine-Russia war are people, Trump wants to end the war so that no more people die, but those who died in Gaza are not considered peaceful and oppressed people? It is fine to end support for Russia or aid to Ukraine to end the war, but should support for Israel in the Gaza operation continue? If that is not nonsense, what is?

Now let’s move on to Harris’s claims and her responses to the accusations. Harris believes that Trump wants to stop supporting Ukraine in order to flatter Russia. Moreover, he intends to do so before the election of the president. Firstly, US flattery of Russia is a blow to the international image of the United States, and secondly, the “Logan Act”, enacted in the United States in the 18th century and still in force, does not allow Trump to interfere in processes that he has not come to power as a person with authority. Because according to this law, an American citizen cannot negotiate with representatives of foreign countries without official authorization. Violating this law is a serious crime. Trump’s attempt to take such a step before being elected president is a serious violation of the law and he is criminally liable for it.

At the same time, the parties discussed internal problems and exchanged views on social policy, economic and humanitarian issues. Of course, mutual accusations were also in the air here. After the debate, both sides declared themselves superior.

In the end, on November 5, either the American citizens or the Deep State will decide who will win. After Biden’s withdrawal, Harris actually managed to restore the Democrats’ lost image and the subsequent decline in voting percentages. But the fact is that these departures will not change traditional US politics, nor will humanity smile.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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