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HomeLatest NewsTrump, Kamala Harris, cheating and the world in the US elections

Trump, Kamala Harris, cheating and the world in the US elections

Global society has an appointment on Tuesday, November 5 with an earthquake of enormous proportions which arrives on a fixed date. Its epicenter is in the United States and the shock wave will be vast and deep, greater or lesser depending on the result of the North American presidential elections which will take place that day. A large number of variables will be affected. To a lesser extent if Democrat Kamala Harris wins than if Donald Trump wins. In principle, Trump’s reaction to defeat will have to be judged on the basis of experience. This result is eagerly awaited because these are transcendental questions that depend on who occupies the White House for the next four years.

The world’s biggest cheaters are already focusing on the November election, and more will do so as there is barely a month left before the call. They have previously convinced millions of people in their favor. There is no other way to explain the high support that the former Republican president maintains, despite having been convicted of several crimes and, above all, being the instigator of the assault on the Capitol, the symbol of the North American democracy that they appreciated so much. It is unprecedented that Trump could run and it is not impossible that, despite everything, he would win.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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