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HomeBreaking NewsTurab Rzayev: "There is no escape, France will fall into disgrace again"

Turab Rzayev: “There is no escape, France will fall into disgrace again”

“In France, we see anti-Azerbaijani discourse at both state and parliamentary level, and at the same time at the level of Azerbaijani representation in various organisations.”

These words Oku.AzA political commentator talks about the speech by Nathalie Luizon, a member of the European Parliament from France, against our country. Turab Rzayev saying.

The political commentator stressed that all attacks will be in vain and Macron’s government will once again face an embarrassing defeat:

“In the US Congress, we also heard speeches of this kind by some senators. However, it should be noted that none of their opinions have the slightest importance for Azerbaijan. On the other hand, such speeches include sanctions against Azerbaijan’s economy and energy in order to return those who voluntarily left Karabakh. It seems that France is irritated by the holding of COP29 in Azerbaijan.

During her speech on September 19, French MEP Nathalie Luizon announced that 100,000 Armenians would be forcibly expelled from the country as a result of Azerbaijan’s anti-terrorist operation in Karabakh and called for the imposition of sanctions against our country, which is a continuation of the same centrally controlled process. The purpose is known. France does not like Azerbaijan’s independent foreign policy. Official Paris wants Baku to coordinate its foreign policy with it. The smear campaign on COP29 is also not new. Azerbaijan gives a worthy response to all these accusations. None of them has the power to influence or determine the course of our state. We will see similar steps from France again. However, they will not be able to achieve anything, because both the war waged by Azerbaijan and the anti-terrorist measures carried out are in accordance with international law and the UN Charter. “The Macron government was disgraced twice at the UN Security Council last year. It will be ugly again, there is no way out.”

Sohrab Ismail


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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