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HomeBreaking NewsTVE's change of discourse with Broncano and the new 'Resistencia'

TVE’s change of discourse with Broncano and the new ‘Resistencia’

Something seems to have changed in TVE’s discourse regarding expected audiences The revolt by David Broncano. The program, which begins this Monday after the second edition of Telediario, around 9:40 p.m., will fully enter the war for access to prime time, the slot most coveted by advertisers and which dominates The anthill by Pablo Motos.

“We don’t come to compete, but to offer something different”assured Agus Alonso, delegate for content of the Corporation during the presentation of The revolt at the Vitoria FesTVal this Wednesday. “To measure your success We’re not just going to take into account what happens at 10:00 p.m. We have to value other things. If we want television for the present and the future, we must bet on content that the public will consume later on RTVE Play.”

Broncano also showed little to no concern about this duel with Pablo Motos. The comedian is realistic and knows that winning is a utopia The Anthill. “My only fear is that Motos will do 75% and we 1%“, said. “They’re going to win. Did they win 35% when they came back?” ” he assured, aware of the good start to the season of the ants program.

“I don’t have a specific goal. It would be nice to scratch a tenth of it.” The anthillbut it is clear that they are the leaders. “I would like to be close to what is being done at that time or in the middle of the chain”adds the showman, who refuses to give a figure. “I don’t even know what TVE is doing at that time.”

What he expects is to win Babylon Show by Carlos Latre, whose ratings made Telecinco react by withdrawing the programming of Thursdays and Fridays. “How long ago? A 6? Well, maybe something like that. If we do more, so much the better,” Broncano said. “If we don’t do 25%, they will say Broncano was a huge failure.”

Ricardo Castella, David Broncano and Grison, at the Vitoria FesTVal.

Well, this speech is completely different from the one given by the interim president, Concepción Cascajosa, to defend the 28 million that RTVE invested to bring The Resistance to La 1. “Either you seek to compete or you do not seek to compete,” he said in response to a question from a PP senator. “If you want to be competitive, you have to do it with a competitive offer.”

Whatever happens, The revolt He has a guaranteed one-season access to La 1. Then, RTVE has set a threshold share of 7.5%, a figure that it will reach barring a catastrophe. If it doesn’t happen, the network has secured the right to move the program, or else to cancel it.

Victoria Federica

Broncano makes his debut tonight on La 1, and All the spotlight will be on him and on the 28 million euros paid by TVE, thanks to Cascajosa’s casting vote.. And it seems that Broncano and his team don’t care about all that, that they will continue to ask their guests how much money they have in the bank and how many intimate relationships they have had in the last month.

In fact, they haven’t even announced the identity of the first guest of The revolt [La Resistencia revelaba por redes sociales a primera hora de la tarde]. The complete opposite of Pablo Motos, who is in steamroller mode. The anthill She has been pulling out all the stops since the first day of this “war”, booking Victoria Federica’s first television interview on Monday. So, whatever happens, TVE has been able to cover its backs well.




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