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HomeLatest NewsTwenty million euros to modernize traditional companies in the Community of Madrid

Twenty million euros to modernize traditional companies in the Community of Madrid

Local commerce, neighbourhood commerce and established establishments are struggling to survive in modern times. Department stores, online sales and other factors are taking over, and sometimes it takes an effort to move forward. But since you have to renew yourself or die, and that also costs money, the regional government has launched a plan that includes, among other measures, financial aid to established businesses – those that have been around for more than 50 years – so that they can undertake work that requires improvements and greater efficiency.

The Minister of Economy, Employment and Finance, Rocío Albert, launched this Small Business Revitalization Plan 2024-2027 yesterday with a visit to one of the premises that has benefited from this aid. The call for applications for subsidies for this project is already operational, which will grant up to 2 million euros to modernization and digitalization projects.

With this policy, the objective is to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with the incorporation of new technologies in their activities, economic sources explained.

Among the measures envisaged by this initiative are aids to undertake modernisation and digitalisation projects, adapt companies to customer needs and make them more attractive. In the current call for subsidies, priority will be given to established establishments, i.e. those with more than 50 years of experience, which obtain the highest score to access it.

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment, Rocío Albert, yesterday visited the Unide Market supermarket, located in the Madrid neighborhood of Fuencarral-El Pardo, which has undertaken a complete renovation with the replacement of furniture and an improvement in energy efficiency and interior and exterior signage.

Albert explained that the aid from the Community of Madrid is for a maximum amount of 10,000 euros per beneficiary and is intended to cover the work of expansion, transformation and renovation of establishments or craft workshops, as well as part of the investment costs related to the opening.

The subsidies can also be used for other purposes. For example, for the acquisition of equipment, machinery or specialized furniture, as well as for the installation of computer or technological equipment and software. The deadline to request them, already open, will expire on September 16 and they can be requested through the website of the Regional Executive: www.comunidad de

In addition to these subsidies specifically aimed at the most established companies, the councillor stressed that the Small Business Recovery Plan also includes other formulas. For example, a support line aimed especially at markets and shopping centres in Madrid will soon be launched. This was stated by the President of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, during the debate on the state of the region, which was held this week.

Among other actions, priority will be given to the removal of architectural barriers or the installation of technological equipment.

With them, he added, it will be possible to finance reform and rehabilitation actions, the elimination of architectural barriers, investments in systems that improve energy efficiency, as well as studies or analyses prior to carrying out the works, among others.

“From the Community of Madrid, we will continue supporting small businesses, family SMEs, so that they can improve their customer service, be competitive and improve their performance with the aim of contributing to business continuity,” Albert stressed.

This is not the only measure aimed at commerce in the region: the president also highlighted another line of aid, of up to 10,000 euros per establishment, for the creation and maintenance of businesses in municipalities with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants. The idea, explained the head of the Executive, is to help keep alive bars and supermarkets and other businesses – such as bakeries, haberdasheries, hairdressers, pharmacies, opticians or veterinarians – in small towns, or to contribute to the opening of new ones.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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