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Two dead drivers bring the road accident rate close to one hundred deaths this year in Castile and Leon

Another black weekend on the roads of Castilla y León, which are already accumulating At least 96 dead on interurban roads so far this year, well above the just over 80 recorded at this time in 2023. After a tragic summer that left an average of one dead every two days during the special summer vacation operation, the statistics continue to grow. The latest two to join them, two motorcyclists who lost their lives this Sunday in an accident in the province of Ávila.

It happened shortly after 2:00 p.m., when the two drivers of two two-wheelers collided. Both were traveling at the 25th kilometer of the highway at the time. AV-900, in the Navalmoral areaCalls to the 1-1-2 operations room alerting of the accident warned that the motorcyclists were unconscious.

Members of the Civil Guard and the Sanitary Emergencies-Sacyl went to the scene, mobilizing a medical helicopter, a basic resuscitation ambulance and primary care personnel from the health centers of El Barraco and Burgohondo. At the time of the collision, doctors treated the victims, two men aged 27 and 36, although they eventually died.

Their deaths bring to almost a hundred the number of lives lost in a road accident. This is why everything seems to be at the origin of the death of the 62-year-old man, who disappeared last Monday in Burgos. His A lifeless body was found next to a vehicle by some people who were walking near the BUP-8012. The car had fallen, at kilometer 3 of this road, at the bottom of a slope. It is a curved area and it was not visible from the top of the asphalt.

An accident rate that has skyrocketed over the course of the year and which, three and a half months before the end of the year, is on track to surpass past datawhen 119 people lost their lives on the roads of Castilla y León.

Leon and Zamora, in the lead

By province, The dramatic statistics are led by Leonwhere at least 20 people have lost their lives in road accidents on interurban roads so far this year, according to data from the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), above the figures recorded at this time in 2023. to be followed very closely Zamora, where the death toll already stands at 19. Third, Avila, where the accident rate has also increased, up to 14 deaths counting the two from yesterday. In Burgos, taking into account the man found next to the vehicle, there are already eleven. Soria completes the picture, with eight; Salamanca, with seven; Valladolid and Palencia, with six each; Segovia, with five.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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