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HomeBreaking NewsTwo people hospitalized after falling into a slurry tanker in Guitiriz (Lugo)

Two people hospitalized after falling into a slurry tanker in Guitiriz (Lugo)

Around 9 p.m. this Thursday, the 112 Galicia has received an alert indicating that Two people fell in a warehouse of slurry located on a pig farm in Lagostelle, Guitiriz province, warning that they could not see or contact them.

own The farm staff managed to save one of themwhile the other needed help from emergency services to get out. Both were transferred then by ambulance to the Lucus Augusti University Hospital, after having inhaled a significant amount of gas.

According to the story told to the firefighters, one of the people involved was carrying out cleaning tasks on top of the tank. Once inside, the buildup of gas prevented him from getting out again. The second person involved tried to rescue him, but ended up slide and falls into the cistern with his companion.




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