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UCO returns for the third time to the Provincial Council of Badajoz to request information on Sánchez’s brother

For the third time, the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard went to the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Badajoz to collect information about David Sánchez, the brother of Pedro Sánchez, who has been employed by this provincial organization since 2017.

It was Judge Beatriz Biedma, president of the Court of Instruction number 3 of the capital of Badajoz, who is leading the judicial case in which the close friend of the President of the Government is being investigated, who ordered, once again, the UCO agents to come to the building. He did so in a secret room.

This is confirmed to this newspaper by several sources close to the investigation. This is already the third time that this unit of the Civil Guard has raided the Provincial Council in search of information on the alleged irregularities affecting the hiring of the brother of the President of the Government by this provincial body, chaired by Miguel Angel Gallardowho is also general secretary of the PSOE of Extremadura.

Judge Biedma is investigating Sánchez’s brother for the alleged crimes of embezzlement, continuing crime against the public treasury, influence peddling and prevarication.

Sources from the Provincial Council convey to EL ESPAÑOL their “total willingness to collaborate with Justice to clarify the facts” under the scrutiny of the magistrate and their “commitment to transparency and respect for the law.”

David Azaga

Since 2017, David Sánchez, a professional musician and known by the nickname David Azagrais an employee of the Provincial Council of Badajoz as coordinator of the Badajoz conservatories, director of the municipal orchestra and project manager Young OperaFor this reason he receives around 55,000 euros per year.

The union’s complaint Clean hands which gave rise to this legal case accused him of “get paid without going to work”despite not having authorized teleworking and not clocking in.

However, the documentation sent to the judge by the Provincial Council of Badajoz justifies these extremes by the fact that Azagra occupies a “management position”, for which the remote working modality is not designed and does not require schedule control.

During its first visit to the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Badajoz, the UCO recovered hundreds of emails stored in the professional accounts of several people. Among others, those of David Sánchez and Miguel Ángel Gallardo. Later, it had to go a second time to the same building to ask for more information. e-mailswhose dump had been thwarted by a computer error.

On the right, David Sánchez, accompanied by the president of the Provincial Council of Badajoz, Miguel Ángel Gallardo.

Provincial Council of Badajoz

Precisely this Tuesday, the Provincial Court of Badajoz will study the request of several of the people affected by this judicial decision to leave said emails out of the file.

Likewise, as reported by EL ESPAÑOL, the Ministry of Finance has just revealed to the judge that three tax inspectors prepared a report that exonerated David Sánchez of tax crimes.

The instructor had received it months ago, but the document did not bear any signature, so Biedma ordered the Public Treasury to clarify which officials had written it.

tax crime

Manos Cleans’ complaint also accused Sánchez’s brother of reside in a mansion in the Portuguese town of Elvasclose to the border with Portugal, to “pay less tax”. The Public Treasury, however, ruled out in this report that these events constitute a tax offence.

The Provincial Council of Badajoz, for its part, has called a commission of inquiry into the hiring of Azagra. Its final report, approved thanks to the majority of the PSOE, with the PP against, confirmed that David Sánchez taxed as a non-resident in Spain.

So when you live in Portugal you don’t pay IRPF (Personal Income Tax), but Yes, you are taxed as a non-resident.according to this document, published by EL ESPAÑOL. Shortly after, the Treasury, responding to a request from the judge, sent the Badajoz court the report that ruled out tax crime.

But when it was sent without a signature, Beatriz Biedma asked to know the identity of the people who had prepared it. And she recently got a response from the Treasury, which revealed which three inspectors had prepared it.




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