Friday, September 20, 2024 - 6:20 pm
HomeUK Chief Rabbi reacts to revocation of arms export licence to Israel

UK Chief Rabbi reacts to revocation of arms export licence to Israel

Britain’s Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has expressed his deep disappointment at the government’s decision to revoke arms export licenses to Israel.

The UK Foreign Office recently announced it would revoke 30 of 350 arms export licenses to Israel, citing concerns that the weapons could be used to violate international law.

Sir Ephraim Mirvis expressed his bewilderment at the decision and noted that it was difficult to believe such a move by Israel’s close strategic ally. He stressed that the decision to partially suspend the licenses came at the worst possible time, when Israel is fighting for survival on seven fronts, which were imposed on it on October 7, and when the families of six hostages, brutally murdered by terrorists, are burying their loved ones.

According to the chief rabbi, Israel faces a threat from Iran and its proxies, directed not only against Israel, but also against democratic Western countries. He believes that the British government’s decision only fuels false accusations against Israel for violating international humanitarian law, when in fact the country is doing everything possible to comply with it.

Mirvis expressed concern that such a statement could strengthen the position of common enemies and would not help the release of the remaining 101 hostages, nor contribute to a peaceful future for all in the region and beyond.

“Britain and Israel can achieve much if they work together to confront our common enemies and achieve a safer world. Of course, this should be the common path forward,” he concluded.

Earlier, Kursor reported that former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson harshly criticized the government for its decision to suspend arms exports to Israel.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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