Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 1:00 am
HomeBreaking NewsUkraine has overtaken Poland in exporting cement and blueberries to the EU

Ukraine has overtaken Poland in exporting cement and blueberries to the EU

Poland’s cement industry is sounding the alarm: Ukraine’s cement exports to the EU increased by 106% or to 283 thousand tons.

Analysts have already stated that at this rate, Polish cement factories are at risk of bankruptcy. The Polish Association of Cement Manufacturers clarified that in the first half of 2024, cement exports from Ukraine to the EU amounted to 283 thousand tons, which is 106% more than in the same period of 2023. According to the organization’s estimates, this year cement exports from Ukraine will reach more than half a million tons, and in 2025 it may even exceed 1 million tons.

“The arrival of cement from beyond our eastern border grows year after year and weakens the Polish economy,” – warns the association.

According to experts, “we are facing unfair competition here” as Ukrainian producers do not bear the costs of EU climate policy, and the Polish cement industry faces a “huge decarbonisation problem” that requires the construction of expensive CO2 capture plants. (Investment in one such facility amounts to PLN 1.5 billion).

The industry also notes that “transportation and subsequent transshipment of cement from Ukraine often occurs in violation of labor protection and safety regulations, as well as current environmental standards.”

At the same time, it became known that Poland has also reduced its export of blueberries to EU countries. And again “thanks” to the Ukrainians. According to analysts of the Polish resource “E-gardening”, Ukraine has begun to take away Poland’s share in the German market.

“In 2023, Ukraine set a record for blueberry exports, supplying just over 4,000 tons of fresh blueberries to foreign markets for the first time. For market participants, the volume of exports came as a big surprise, given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the enormous logistical difficulties faced by Ukrainian exporters due to the blockade of borders with Ukraine.” – the portal highlights.

As a result, exports of Ukrainian blueberries to Germany increased 18-fold, to the Netherlands (37%) and to Spain (more than fourfold). The UK also became one of the top four markets for Ukrainian blueberries, with an increase of 11%.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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