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HomeBreaking NewsUkrainians in Germany are massively denied work - EADaily - German economy....

Ukrainians in Germany are massively denied work – EADaily – German economy. Germany. News. German news. News from Germany. News Germany. German news today. German news September 8, 2024.

German aid services are refusing to take on Ukrainian refugees because bureaucratic rules prevent them from being accepted, according to the Russian-language Bild news channel.*.

It should be noted that there are 130 thousand vacancies for junior medical staff and nurses in Germany today. However, Ukrainians are rarely hired for these positions, although many of them are willing to work. This is stated by the owner of the Seniocare24 helpdesk. Renata ForiEvery week, an average of three Ukrainians are denied admission, because German bureaucratic rules do not allow their admission.

“These people are already here and want to work, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for them. Excessive demands encourage informal employment,” said Föri.

According to her, there are currently around 500,000 people in Germany who are illegally caring for people in need. She says that 90% of Seniocare24’s clients end up refusing to hire carers officially and instead hire them illegally, bypassing the company.

According to the Tagesspiegel newspaper, after February 2022, 1,822 Ukrainians with medical training applied for professional recognition in Germany and only 9% of them received permission to work in Germany, despite a shortage of personnel in this field.

“This is a scandal in our time of shortage of junior medical staff. The health system is drowning in bureaucracy.” — a member of the Bundestag told Bild Tino Sorge.

But there are also positive examples, particularly in Bayern. There is an accelerated system for recognising employees’ qualifications. While in Germany the whole process takes on average up to two years, in Bavaria it only takes five weeks.

*An organization that performs the functions of a foreign agent.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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