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HomeLatest NewsULE hopes to "return with the Medical degree" for León from the...

ULE hopes to “return with the Medical degree” for León from the meeting of the rectors of the Community with Mañueco

THE Rector of the University of León (ULE), Nuria González, assured this Tuesday that she hopes “come back with the medical degree” for Leon of the meeting that the President of the Government of Castilla y Leon, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, will hold with the rectors of the universities of the Community.

At this meeting, announced by the president himself during the investiture of the rector of the ULE last June, the implementation of new diplomas in autonomous academic institutions.

In this sense, the rector explained, during an informative breakfast organized to mark the beginning of the university curriculum, that “while waiting for this meeting to take place” the launch of new degrees.“She is paralyzed.”

He also pointed out that to date no date has been set and he wanted to associate himself with the words of the rector of University of Burgos (UBU), Manuel Pérez Mateos, who hoped that the setting of a date for this forum would not be long in coming, reports Ep.

The requirements

“To have all my expectations placed on this meeting with the president, because it is the first time that he will bring together the rectors for questions related to diplomas and especially with the Degrees in Health Sciences“, said the head of the Leonese academic institution.

In his speech when González took office, Fernández Mañueco assured that “so far” León’s candidacy to host a Faculty of Medicine did not meet the required requirements by the Council.

Asked about her team’s progress on this issue, the ULE rector explained that they are working “daily” to bring about “the best possible memory” meet the rectors and thus “convince” the president.

The report prepared by the University of León is, in the eyes of Nuria González, “compliant with the requirements formulated by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Castilla y León (ACSUCyL) as well as by the Ministry.”

According to him, “the main requirement that León may not meet” is the following:l of financing, something that, according to his argument, is the responsibility of the Junta de Castilla y León to guarantee.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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