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Unanimity to provide Castilla y León with a mental health plan for young people and adolescents

THE Courts of Castile and Leon They approved this Wednesday unanimously from the plenary session a motion from the Socialist Group urging the Board of Directors to approve a specific action plan on the mental health and emotional well-being of young people and adolescents, as the “epicenter” of public policies and included in a cross-sectional approach.

Socialist Rubén Illera presented the initiative, the result of a previous interrogation, which accuses the Junta of neglecting young people with “erratic” policies. The entire opposition supported the text, as did with the reproaches of Voxdespite the fact that he had proposed an amendment that was not accepted by the PSOE and the PP, which recalled the commitment of the president, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, to approve a new mental health strategy.

The socialist partisan exposed the situation of the youth of the Community with data on emancipation, at the same time as he censured the management of the PP, since The youth law has become “obsolete” be over 22 years old. This is why Rubén Illera asked to go further with a specific mental health plan because he considered it necessary “Revolutionizing” primary care with “early” detection This helps prevent suicidal behavior, with more psychologists in health centers. In this way, it was addressed to all parliamentarians so that with their vote help “save lives.”

“Without mental health, there is no health,” said the ‘popular’ parliamentarian Noemí Rojo Sahagún, who accused the PSOE of try to “attack” the Junta and the PP, by not being able to “look beyond.” “He didn’t understand anything at all,” he insisted in his defense. a national approach and approachHe added that the Plan requested by the socialists is already integrated into the next community strategy, which is why he invited them to demand government funding.

For his part, the Vox Lawyer Miguel Suárez Arca accused the socialists of using the motion to “stir up” the PP and proposed a two-point amendment, already proposed in the past before another PSOE initiative. According to him, “happiness is the absence of suffering”, but according to him “life without suffering is not life”. “We are governed by coyotes pursuing their own intelligence“But she runs faster than them,” he said after referring to the cartoon series “El Coyote y el Correcaminos,” Ical reports.

“Adequate” funding

For her part, the UPL-Soria Ya parliamentarian, Alicia Gallego, asked to address mental health from the different stages of life, but regretted that there was “adequate” funding in the budgets allocated to the care of young people, in the face of the “serious scourge” of suicides. In addition, it was considered necessary to have a new plan like that of the other autonomies, because the Council insisted that it had not complied with the measures announced a year ago.

In the name of United we canPablo Fernández considered it “absolutely urgent” to address this issue because he stressed that Castilla y León “is not a community for anyone, but especially for young people”, given the “laziness” of the Council. “There are no psychologists in primary care”he condemned.

Finally, the lawyer For Avila, Pedro Pascual, acknowledged that it was a question of “vital importance” in the face of the deterioration of mental health in recent years, after the impact of COVID. Faced with some “worrying” data, she considered that they could not be considered “satisfied” and proposed a transversal approach adapted to each area of ​​the Community.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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