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unexplained apparitions, whispers and physical symptoms

In TorredelcampoJaén we find the ruins of The Castle, a place with a lot of history and mystery that is palpable while walking around the premises. Despite its advanced state of deterioration, this abandoned farm For almost a century, it has continued to nourish the imagination of those who venture to explore it.

Built on the foundations of a Nasrid fortress from the 12th century, El Castil has been the scene of paranormal phenomena which have been the subject of study by research groups interested in them. The testimonies of those who have had inexplicable experiences in this place leave no one indifferent and shed light on the mystery that El Castil conceals.

Declared Property of cultural interest in 1985 and part of the Archaeological Route of Torreones de la Campiña de Jaén, El Castil has acquired an “enchanted” reputation that goes beyond its historical relevance. Many claim that its ruins are the scene of events that defy logic, fueling the legend according to which this place is marked by the supernatural.

The documented history of the place, which dates back to Iberian times and peaked during the Reconquista, does not mention any obvious tragedy explaining the phenomena reported today, although this same history is vast and everything can have its place. However, paranormal experts point out that places like El Castil, with occupations, conflicts and abandonments, can harbor residual energies that manifest in various ways.

Testimonies of unexplainable experiences

Over the years, many people have claimed to have had disturbing experiences in El Castil.

Maria Gutierrez, amateur researcher of the paranormal world, told us: “I had heard many stories about El Castil, but it was not until I visited it one evening with a group of friends that I understood what people said. As soon as we crossed the threshold of the main house, a feeling of intense cold came over me, even though it was the middle of summer. We decided to explore inside and a few minutes later we heard what sounded like footsteps. We went there, but there was no one there. The strangest thing was when we placed a recorder to try to capture the psychophonies. While watching the tape, we could clearly hear a voice saying “go away.” There was no one else there.

Carlos Fernandez He told us: “I visited El Castil for the first time in 2019. We were a group of friends attracted by rumors of something paranormal happening there. As soon as we arrived, I had an inexplicable headache which disappeared when we left. But the most disturbing thing happened when we explored the old rooms. We heard the sound of a door closing, even though there was no wind or doors. We searched every corner, but there was no logical explanation. That same night, a friend of mine claimed to have seen a a dark figure moves in the yardbut when we went to look, there was nothing.«

Another testimony is that of Sara Lopez, a hiker who experienced something strange there: “I have visited many abandoned places, but what I experienced in El Castil was different. We were exploring the farms when I suddenly felt dizzy and had to come out for air. While I was there, I clearly heard whispers, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I looked around and there was no one there. “It was a very strange feeling, like something or someone was watching me.”

Psychophonic and other tests

One of the most recurring phenomena reported in El Castil are psychophonies or recordings of sounds that some consider to be of paranormal origin. Several investigations have captured voices that do not appear to belong to any human being present at the time of recording.

David Sánchez, youAn independent researcher claims to have recorded several of these psychophonies during one of his visits to the site: “What impressed me the most was to hear in the recording a clear voice saying ‘here we are.’ The feeling at that moment was shocking, because during our stay we had not heard any noise or voices that could explain it. “We have reviewed the audio several times, but it remains an enigma.”

Some experts suggest that these sounds could be the result of the energies trapped in the place, perhaps related to its history, including its use during the Civil War as a military colony.

Testimonials are not limited to sounds or appearances. Many people claim to have experienced unexplained physical symptoms when visiting El Castil, such as dizziness, sudden headaches or the feeling of being watched. Although some attribute these sensations to telluric currents that may pass through the area, others believe that they may be linked to the spiritual presences that inhabit the area.

Antonio Moreno, A local who has visited El Castil several times, describes his experience: “The first time I went there, I noticed that the atmosphere was heavy, as if something or someone was around of us. At one point, as we walked through the ruined corridors, I felt a sharp blow on my back, as if someone was pushing me. I immediately turned around, but there was no one behind me. “It was something I couldn’t explain, and I haven’t been back alone since.”

El Castil continues to be a place surrounded by mysteries and paranormal phenomena that many cannot explain. Although not every visitor experiences something strange, the testimonies of those who have are enough to keep the legend alive. The place, with a long and complex history, seems marked by a silence which hides secrets and those who dare to enter its ruins affirm that this silence is sometimes broken by the inexplicable.

*If you have had a strange experience, do not hesitate to write to us and tell us about it at


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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