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HomeLatest NewsUnheard of change in Madrid cemeteries: the norm that many expected

Unheard of change in Madrid cemeteries: the norm that many expected

He Madrid City Hall has reached an important milestone in terms of cemeteries of the capital by modifying its regulations relating to the provision of funeral and cemetery services. One of the most notable developments concerns Permission for animals to accompany their owners on cemetery visitsprovided they are properly secured. Until recently, it was completely impossible for pets to enter cemeteries, but that all changed with the new Animal Welfare Actthat It is prohibited to leave animals tied up outside any establishment, including cemeteriesOwners will now be able to enter cemeteries with their dogs, under penalty of a fine.

The Board of Directors thus approved the initial draft of Amendment to the Regulations on the provision of funeral services and cemeteries in which this authorization is collected so that dogs can enter cemeteries, which on the other hand is well received by citizens in general if we take into account the prior public consultation that was carried out for the development of this new regulation and in which it was revealed that a large majority of citizens were in favor of the access of domestic animals to cemeteries. This is a modification that aims to facilitate the daily life of pet owners, and at the same time, to respect the sensitivities of those who prefer not to be in contact with animals in funeral spaces. Madrid is thus following in the footsteps of other Spanish cities, such as Malaga.who have already responded to this type of request, demonstrating a change in mentality about the role of pets in today’s society.

Changes in Madrid cemeteries

The regulatory change goes beyond just animal access. It also introduces other developments, such as the expansion of rights on funeral unitswhich can now be acquired not only by religious denominations, but also by political parties, associations, foundations and other non-profit legal entities. This adjustment responds to the need to simplify and unify all regulations relating to funeral services under a single text, as established by the Governance and Simplification Plan of Regulations of the Municipal Council. In addition, The new regulation envisages the possibility of organizing cultural visits to cemeteriesthus opening the door to a wider and more varied use of these spaces, which also present a historical and heritage interest.

Pets allowed in Madrid cemeteries

In addition to these changes, the most notable novelty is the inclusion of domestic animals in cemeteries, as it represents a significant change in the way these spaces are perceived. Historically, cemeteries have been places of meditation and silence, where the presence of animals was considered a possible source of interruption or distraction. However, this perception is changing. Current regulations align with the trend to integrate pets into more aspects of daily life.recognising the deep emotional connection many people have with their four-legged companions. This new approach not only improves the experience of cemetery visitors, but also ensures that the visit takes place in a controlled and respectful environment.

But yes, the city council stressed the importance of responsibility for pet owners. Animals entering cemeteries must always be under controleither by means of a strap or a cord, to avoid any type of damage or alteration of the case. The owners will be responsible for any possible damage. This could cause damage to people and the cemetery facilities. This aspect is crucial to ensure that coexistence between animals and visitors develops harmoniously. The regulation does not only concern the comfort of pet owners, but also guarantees the respect due to these spaces, which must not be forgotten have an important emotional and symbolic charge.

The rest of the relevant changes

In addition to the inclusion of domestic animals, the amendment of the regulation entails other measures relevant to the management of cemeteries previously put forward. Among them stands out the possibility of organizing cultural or similar visits, which opens a new perspective on the use of these spaces. The Cemeteries, beyond being places of rest for the deceased, are also spaces of historical and heritage interest, which can offer citizens the opportunity to better understand their past. These organized visits could become a new way of bringing Madrid residents closer to their local history, thus generating a greater sense of community and belonging.

Regarding what is mentioned funeral unitsThe expansion of possible owners responds to a growing demand from non-profit legal entities. Until now, Only religious denominations could acquire these units.which limited access for other non-profit organisations. The change in regulations now allows political parties, associations and foundations to also have access, which represents a step forward in the democratisation of these spaces. In this way, we seek to ensure that Madrid cemeteries remain accessible and suitable for all sectors of society.

He draft amendment to the regulation, initially approved by the board of directors,You will now have to go through a 30 calendar day allegation period. During this time, citizens and interested entities will be able to submit their proposals and observations to improve the final text. It is foreseeable that Once this procedure is completed, the new regulations come into force without major changes, given the broad social consensus that generated the inclusion of domestic animals and the rest of the innovations.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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