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HomeBreaking NewsUniversity residences will be left without students this year

University residences will be left without students this year

“My daughter was admitted to one of the universities in Baku. We applied for a university dormitory, but we were told that the dormitories were inhabited by families of internally displaced persons. Therefore, we had to look for a house to rent. But it is very difficult to find a house to rent, even in the most remote districts of Baku the prices of the offered houses are very high.”

These thoughts are based on complaints posted on social media. Parents whose children are entering university cannot find a rented apartment or a university residence. However, migration to our unoccupied territories has been taking place for several years. However, it is clear from the complaints that the dormitories are not yet fully available for students.

About the topic “Caspian” We present the newspaper article.

“We can accommodate between 10 and 15 percent of the students”

The press service of Baku State University reported that there are no survivors in the dormitory of the educational institution, which was once inhabited by internally displaced persons. Because it is in a dilapidated state and completely unusable: “Our university has a student house with all amenities. The construction of new dormitories for Baku State University is being discussed.”

According to Nijat Abdullayev, head of the Department of Public Relations at the University of Architecture and Construction, IDPs have settled in four of the five buildings of the dormitory complex of this higher education institution. Only one corpus is available to the university’s students: “When students ask us for a dormitory, we can accommodate only 10-15 percent of them. We have to say ‘no’ to the others. The buildings where IDPs live are currently impossible to live in. Those buildings are still full. In each building, 5-6 displaced people live.”

“It must be torn down and rebuilt”

The head of the department also spoke about the university’s plans after the relocation of the IDPs: “As a university we want to vacate these buildings. The Ministry of Science and Education also has this issue on the agenda. It is impossible to repair these buildings, they must be demolished and rebuilt. We are looking for financial sources to build these dormitories so that they can be handed over to our students again. We think that in the near future our citizens who currently live in these dormitories will also be relocated to their places of origin.”

Azerbaijan Technical University reported that families of refugees and internally displaced persons have been living in AzTU dormitory buildings since 1988-1990. Until recently, 124 families lived in the buildings: “After the liberation of our lands from occupation, 10 families were resettled in their homes. The remaining 114 families are currently living in these dormitories. The dormitory complex is in a completely unusable state. The buildings do not meet any living standards. After the relocation process is completed, the dormitories will be repaired or a decision will be made on their demolition and reconstruction.”

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University said the university has five dormitories in Baku. Only one of them is used by students. A total of 443 IDP families have settled in the remaining four dormitories: “Our dormitories have not yet been emptied. Relevant government agencies are working on their relocation.”

“Only two families have been relocated”

The situation is no different in the dormitories of Azerbaijan University of Languages. IDPs live in both boys’ and girls’ dormitories: “There are 18 families in the girls’ dormitories. The relocation has started and some are leaving. However, it has not been fully handed over to students. This step will be taken after the dormitory has been completely emptied. There are no students in the boys’ dormitory. Both IDPs and other people were relocated. One of the IDPs was replaced by a neighbour. A fire broke out in one apartment. It is not available now.”

The internally displaced people have left, but the shelter is in poor condition.

Gunel Aslanova, a spokeswoman for Azerbaijan Medical University, said the university has four dormitories for 1,000 people. The dormitory where the internally displaced people live is empty.

Gunel Aslanova, a spokeswoman for Azerbaijan Medical University, said the university has four dormitories for 1,000 people. The dormitory where the internally displaced people live is currently empty: “That building is currently in an unusable condition and major repairs are planned in the future.”

According to information provided by the Academy of Public Administration, the IDPs have not yet been relocated from the dormitory: “However, the relocation process will be carried out within the framework of the state program. Subsequently, the dormitory will be repaired and put into use for students.”

The authority is not in the universities.

Elnara Mammadova, Head of the Public Relations Department of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, noted that the IDPs are still living in the dormitory and have not yet been relocated: “We have temporarily transferred the building to the rest of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Affairs, among the future priorities of the university, after the evacuation of the IDPs, the demolition of the dormitory is also the reconstruction.”

According to the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts, the shelters are run by the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Affairs.

Houses are built for them in liberated areas.

According to the response of the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, families of internally displaced persons temporarily settled in various facilities, including dormitories, are gradually provided with new apartments. To date, the housing and living conditions of more than 320,000 internally displaced persons have been improved: “Among these families, there are also internally displaced persons who temporarily settled in student dormitories. Although some of the families living in dormitories belonging to higher and secondary educational institutions have been relocated, some still live in such facilities. Apartments are built for them only in the vacant areas. During the gradual return of internally displaced persons to their permanent residences, those in the most difficult situation, including those living in student dormitories, are provided with new apartments first.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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