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HomeLatest NewsUrban art at the doors of Madrid schools

Urban art at the doors of Madrid schools

Since Atapuerca, or even before, daily life demands color. The same goes for bison hunting because, over the years, children attend classes. Man has always tried to color his routines, and we can see an unprecedented evolutionary trace. A creative line to try to animate the living environment. It is in the vocation of making the most common architecture more attractive, for example educational buildings, that the Madrid City Council wants to emphasize. The artist’s focus. Through the Culture, Tourism and Sports Space, the city council has organized a competition in which eight murals located in different school campuses will give a twist to the moments before the first class. The municipality’s program is called Sharing Walls and, in its will, it will cover the 21 neighborhoods of the capital. In the bag of previous experiences we can count different projects in Arganzuela, Fuencarral-El Pardo, Puente de Vallecas, Hortaleza, Vicálvaro and San Blas-Canillejas in last year’s call. Now the initiative aims to reach the neighborhoods of Centro (El Duende Children’s School-CEIP Pi i Margall), Retiro (City of Rome), Tetuán (Pío XII), Carabanchel (Capitán Cortés), Ciudad Lineal (Our Lady of Conception), Villaverde (El Greco), Villa de Vallecas (Honduras) and Barajas (City of Guadalajara). News report Yes The graffiti that saved a city Xavier Vilaltella In 2016, the municipality of Penelles de Lleida opted for art to combat depopulation. Today it is the world mecca of street art. The spirit of this competition, open until September 6 by call for tenders, aims to choose, with the advice of a jury of experts in the field, eight artistic initiatives that generate a mural protected by the conduct. idea of ​​”Futures We Desire”, since the viewers, the “main target”, will be students from nursery schools and public schools. It should be remembered that this effort to conceive public architecture as a valid canvas for mural art already had its last exhibition last year, in public libraries where the creative emphasis was placed on promoting reading.madrid_dia_0703The total amount The “tuning” of these centers is budgeted at more than 125,000 euros, and the work is expected to be completed by the end of the year. According to the organization, the Sharing Walls program aims to be a mechanism to “improve the urban environment” through “artistic expression”, as well as the recognition and valorization of those who defend the disciplines of so-called urban art with their work. This implies, on the other hand, a process in which not only educational centers, but also neighborhood associations, centers for the elderly and a long list of social agents contribute, requesting their involvement. Each artist, for his part, has the duty to organize a day in which the school community and all the neighbors who surround the environment of the creative intervention can participate. It must be emphasized that this desire of the municipality to give the corners of everyday life a different color that speaks and educates in the best values ​​is not new. During the years 2017 and 2018, in constant collaboration with the District Councils, a first edition was carried out. From its fruits would be born a second, organized in three calls. The first one ended at the end of 2023. In it, creators were able to bring their art to the wall. This is the case, for example, of Noelia Jiménez Portilla, who, at the Pío Baroja Library, in the Arganzuela neighborhood, reinterpreted “The Tree of Science”, by the writer from San Sebastian, with a visual metaphor on reason, experience and learning. Iñaki García Esteban, for his part, with his creation “Reading as a Travel Experience”, in the José Saramago Library in Fuencarral-El Pardo, proposed a child reader to whom the printed word made him fly to different destinations, among them through the most representative sculptures of the region. MURALS Above, the work “The Tree of Science”, by Noelia Jiménez. Above these lines, on the left, “Against Oblivion”, by Amaya Arrazola. On the right, ‘A l’aventure’, by Nuria Torrach. CITY COUNCIL Of course, the variety that the competition allows gives free rein to the imagination. Likewise, in 2023, Amaya Arrazola, and in front of the “canvas” of the Biblioteca del Pozo del Tío Raimundo, was inclined to pay homage to “Las sinsombrero”, that feminine and hidden summit of the germ of genius that was the generation of ’27 for Spain. The visual metaphor of the puzzle of said work, “Against oblivion”, was praised for its relevance. In “A la aventure”, by Nuria Torrach, near the Huerta de Salud library in Hortaleza, the motif reflects the untamed nature of the work. the act of reading and the certainty of the book in turbulent times. MORE INFORMATION news No Estepona launches a new competition to expand its urban art route: these are the awards news No Hontanar, the beautiful rural town full of urban art and muralsMichelangelo Marra, with his ‘Positive Model’, presented a mural with the words “books” and “free” in his vision of a world in which, instead of chains, there is reading. And this is how its pictorial symbolism appears on the walls of the Francisco Ayala library in Vicálvaro. To summarize this call, Diego Vicente San Segundo, in the same library, based himself on some verses of the poet from Santander in his poem “Life” to incardinate, in the same intervention, the duality, contradiction and contrasts of the world. His will, also, was to raise awareness of the dialogue between words, painting and construction.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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