Friday, September 20, 2024 - 4:07 pm
HomeUS experts have found the launch site of the “invincible” Russian nuclear...

US experts have found the launch site of the “invincible” Russian nuclear missile

The 9M370 Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile is Putin’s “favorite” because he considers it “invincible” for air defense systems, the Russian Defense Ministry announced. Researchers have discovered the launch site of these missiles, writes Reuters.

Images taken on July 26 by Planet Labs’ Decker Eveleth and Jeffrey Lewis identified the potential site for the new missile as a construction site adjacent to a nuclear warhead storage facility known by two names: Vologda-20 and Chebsara. This facility is located 475 km north of Moscow.

As Eveleth noted, the facility consists of nine horizontal launch pads under construction. They are placed in three groups within high berms to protect them from attack or prevent an accidental explosion on one from detonating missiles on the others, he said.

At the same time, experts interviewed by Reuters note that the missile will not add capabilities that Moscow’s nuclear forces do not already have, including the ability to overcome US missile defences. In addition, a nuclear engine threatens to release radiation along the flight path and its use carries risks of an accident that could lead to contamination of the surrounding region.

“Skyfall is an exceptionally stupid weapons system, a flying Chernobyl, that poses a greater threat to Russia than to other countries,” said Thomas Countryman, a former State Department official at the Arms Control Association.

Putin unveiled the Burevestnik in March 2018, saying the missile would be “low-flying,” with virtually unlimited range, an unpredictable flight path and “invulnerable” to current and future defenses.

However, experts estimate that the Burevestnik’s flight range could be around 23,000 kilometers and its subsonic speed would make it detectable.

Earlier, Kursor reported that Russia is strengthening its military presence near Israel’s borders. Syrian sources reported the construction of another Russian military observation post, located just 3 kilometers from the Bravo Line in the Golan Heights.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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