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HomeLatest NewsValencia CF sack Rafa Mir, fine him for not respecting timetables after...

Valencia CF sack Rafa Mir, fine him for not respecting timetables after he was accused of sexual assault

Valencia CF has made public, through an official statement, its decision regarding Rafa Mir after his arrest for alleged sexual assault in a case being investigated by the Instruction Court number 8 of Llíria.

After meeting the player this Monday, the leaders of the Valencian entity announced that they would impose a financial sanction on him for violating the internal regime. In addition, he will remain temporarily absent from training and at least for the next two games, according to the information. Radio Valencia Cadena SER. In this way, the club wanted to show a firm position towards Mir within the framework of its legal possibilities and at the same time respect his presumption of innocence. Thus, at the current stage of the procedure, a dismissal for legal reasons is excluded.

In its statement, Valencia CF reiterates “its firm condemnation of any type of violence in each of its manifestations, while respecting the presumption of innocence promulgated by our legal system” and adds: “Only justice must mark “the moments and actions concerning the substance of the alleged events for which Rafa Mir is being investigated.”

However, “as it depends on the club and within the framework of its competences, Valencia CF has analyzed the situation from the point of view of the sanctions regime applicable to professional football and has decided to adopt disciplinary measures.”

Specifically, the club will proceed to open “a file against Rafa Mir, knowing that his way of proceeding, during his free time, undoubtedly affects the professional performance expected of him as a player of this club; it also undermines the trust that our fans have in all their players. Valencia CF assures that it will continue to “collaborate with Justice in whatever it may need”.

Rafa Mir published this Monday a statement in which he apologized to his club, the technical staff, teammates and supporters for “not having respected the rigor of the hours expected of a professional” and defended his “innocence”.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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