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Venezuela accuses Sanchez of “always lying” and confirms a “gentlemen’s agreement” to remove Edmundo

As more details become known about how the president-elect’s departure came about, Edmundo Gonzalez of Venezuela, the less the official version proposed by the government of Venezuela is supported. Pedro Sanchez. Moncloa And Exteriors They deny that any negotiation or agreement took place, but the images of González signing a resignation letter under “coercion and threats” at the residence of the Spanish ambassador leave Sánchez’s executive in a complicated position. In recent hours, he has been the right-hand man of Nicolas Maduro, Goddess Hair, who categorically denied the Spanish version: yes, there was a “gentleman’s agreement” to dismiss Edmundo González and accuses the Sánchez government of “Always lie.” “For them, damage control is terrible,” he said.

During his weekly program on Chavista television, broadcast in the early hours of this Thursday in Spain, the first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and Maduro’s strongman, Diosdado Cabello, stressed that Edmundo González had made the “ridiculous“stating that he signed a letter recognizing the Supreme Court of Justice’s ruling on the elections, but that he did so”under duress.

In this letter, which the Venezuelan government presented to González and demanding his signature to allow him to leave the country, there was an explicit recognition of the Chavista power structures. Or, what amounts to the same thing, the acceptance of the victory of Nicolas Maduro according to the courts under Maduro’s control. But Cabello has especially attacked the government of Pedro Sánchez for denying its participation in these negotiations and in the pact “of gentlemen and a lady, Delcy” to provoke the departure of the elected president. A process in which, according to the Chavista thesis, Spain was a participant and accomplice, an extreme that the Sánchez government has denied throughout the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jose Manuel Albares.

“The first thing that happened with this letter was that the Spanish government said that there was no negotiation with us. But suddenly the man appeared in Spain. How did you get to Spain? How did a plane from the Spanish Air Force arrive? To get on a plane, it must be authorized by our government, the government of the revolution. And why does it come? To take a passenger. This person needs safe passage. Oh, Isn’t this a negotiation?Diosdado Cabello questioned.

They always try to lie and they do not assume their role. For them, damage control is terrible.we assume the truth. They broke what had been agreed, the Gentlemen’s Agreement, and with a lady who was there, who is Vice President Delcy. Comrade Jorge Rodríguez, who was participating in the negotiations, came out and showed the signed document. Jorge signed it as received.

“Earlier today we woke up with someone telling us that he had leaked a letter from this man. An agreement that had been reached with the Government. Something for many that clarifies how he left Venezuela. But his lawyer said he had not signed anything. In the end, the man came out saying yes, sign,” Cabello stressed.

In the Spanish residence

Delcy RodriguezVice President of the Chavista dictatorship of Venezuela, and her brother Jorge RodriguezPresident of the National Assembly, forced Edmundo González, president-elect of Venezuela, to sign a document in which he recognized the victory of Nicolas Maduro in the elections and renounced his claims to the presidency of the country. The events took place in the house of the Spanish ambassador, Ramon Santoswhich is as if it were the embassy itself, where Delcy Rodriguez Access is prohibited as this is the case on Spanish soil.

The regime, through its official press agency, Venezuela News, published the images in which González appeared signing the document with Delcy and Jorge Rodríguez at the ambassador’s residence. The publication of these images is intended to sow doubt and humiliate the winner of the elections.

The signing of this document was the condition for Gonzalez could go to Spain seek political asylum. It was Venezuela’s president-elect who revealed on Wednesday that he had been coerced and threatened to sign the document. “Either I signed or I suffered the consequences,” González said in a video posted on his social networks.

Jorge Rodríguez himself responded last Wednesday to González’s accusations. The president of the Venezuelan Assembly has indicted the winner of the elections for revealing the coercion. “I have other evidence that indicates otherwise, do not force me to show it, because I am willing to do so,” Rodríguez said. At the same time, he showed the images in which González appears sign the documents with Delcy and Jorge Rodriguez in the residence of the spanish ambassadorThe president of the National Assembly assured that he was able to record the conversations he had with González and threatened the opponent to reveal them if he did not deny it. accusations of coercion.

Edmundo González published a video on Wednesday afternoon in which he denounced having been forced to sign the document, but also assured that he was not renouncing the “mandate” that “millions of Venezuelans” had entrusted to him. “Was very tense hours of coercion, blackmail and pressure“In those moments, I thought that I could be more useful free than locked up and unable to carry out the tasks entrusted to me by the sovereign,” said the winner of the July 28 elections to explain the reasons for his departure from the country to Spain. .to request asylum.

González criticized the pressure from Chavismo to sign documents that would have no value and that he claims not to recognize: “A document produced under duress.” is tainted with absolute nullity for serious lack of consent. The opponent also shared with all Venezuelans who support him that he does not give up and that he will continue to fight for change in Venezuela. “As a president elected by millions and millions of Venezuelans who voted for change, democracy and peace, they are not going to silence me. I will never betray them. This is known to everyone I have spoken to to date.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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