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HomeLatest NewsVenezuela in conflict

Venezuela in conflict

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It has been a month and a half since the most controversial elections in Venezuela: Nicolás Maduro declared himself the winner of the July 28 elections, but the opposition denounced fraud from the first minute. The Venezuelan justice system has ruled in favor of the president, although the official documents demanded by some governments and organizations have not yet been presented.

Since then, there have been protests against and in favor of the government in Venezuela and abroad, repression, arrests, accusations of attempted coup d’état and many unknowns in a context that has led to the emigration of almost eight million Venezuelans in the last decade. Many are calling for a change of direction, others are resisting and ensuring that Chavismo is stronger and more alive than ever.

In the midst of this political earthquake, opposition leader Edmundo González arrived this week in Spain as a political asylum and Venezuela has returned to the headlines of our country’s press. That is why, in this program, we want to understand what has happened in these weeks, who are the opposition leaders and where they come from and their relations with the extreme right; but also the future prospects, what remains of this revolution initiated by Chávez, where Madurismo is today and where Venezuelan society is heading.

An analysis in which they accompany us Humberto Marquezcorrespondent in Venezuela for the Uruguayan weekly Brecha and before, for the IPS agency, France-Presse or Spoutnik, among other international media; and with Lautaro Rivarasociologist and doctor of history specializing in the geopolitics of Latin America. And we also listen Marianela Balbi Ochoa of the Venezuelan Institute of Press and Society, Ipys. And we also speak to Juan Lenzospokesperson for Unión Comunera, a movement that brings together nearly 70 social and community organizations from Venezuela that travel throughout Europe.

We end this program with Arantxa Tiradopolitical scientist, expert on Latin America and author of Venezuela: Beyond the Lies and Myths; and with the journalist and expert in Latin American politics Pablo Stefanoniauthor of articles such as “The Left’s Thorny Relationship with Venezuela.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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